Posted by DukeTyrion on 2014-02-18 15:35:51
And I started the same day.
But, was already married, already had kids, and already had a house ;-)
Posted by gjopie on 2014-02-18 15:41:32
Congratulations - all incredible achievements! Best of luck with the next decade.
Posted by xnoelx on 2014-02-18 16:17:38
Congrats. But play more Stunty...
Posted by the_Sage on 2014-02-18 17:40:01
Nice! Better than the stories of
3 years
4572 games
1 divorce.
Posted by DaCoach on 2014-02-18 19:33:14
Nice one!
Can see I joined days before you, but it took me 6 months before I played my first game, just using the client for tabletop practice.
Posted by pythrr on 2014-02-18 20:19:39
Eh wotfud!
Nice milestone!
Who knows - another 10 years and The Hornhits might win something! ;P
Posted by Wotfudboy on 2014-02-20 11:59:40
Thanks guys.
I must admit I have enjoyed the leagues the most, but just recently, it's been about the "taking part" and not the winning...
I'm running an Amazon team in WIL that doesn't stand much a chance of returning to the Premiership, and certainly not surviving in there...
and an OBBA CD team that I refused to go CLPOMB... but of course others in the Prem have... and it's been brought down by regular SI+ to key players which don't make them very competitive... and I've had some truly luckless games this season which don't help me be enthusiastic about the team.
...but I did win the Premiership in WIBBL this season with a thoroughly nasty chaos team...
...and I've just joined the OWCC.
All the Leagues seem well run... although I have noticed that coaches in general seem to be less committed to leagues than back in the old days... some are too quick to not play/give up/leave entirely especially if the season isn't going well.
I have been a member of ELF and Human League in Black Box, but it can be both frustrating and a little soulless playing there.
Stunty is fun... but I don't seem to play much for one reason or another... either lack of opponents or league commitments or even real life! :)