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Last seen 8 hours ago
wotfudboy (16184)
Win Percentage


2017-09-24 22:12:02
rating 5.5
2017-06-05 20:30:36
rating 6
2017-05-01 18:43:33
rating 6
2017-04-28 11:11:22
rating 6
2017-01-24 18:07:13
rating 5.5
2017-01-14 14:14:40
rating 5.7


2016-06-27 21:54:33
rating 5.2
2016-05-13 11:59:33
rating 4.8
2016-05-12 11:12:20
rating 5.4
2016-01-19 14:45:13
rating 5.9


2015-11-24 12:39:53
rating 4.3
2015-10-03 20:18:28
rating 5.9
2015-09-19 22:54:46
rating 6
2015-09-15 17:21:17
rating 6
2015-09-08 00:53:28
rating 5.7
2015-07-09 11:09:51
rating 4.6
2015-05-11 15:15:07
rating 6
2015-04-25 18:52:04
rating 4.9
2015-04-04 18:30:50
rating 4.8
2015-04-04 18:19:55
rating 4.6
2015-04-02 00:35:47
rating 5.1
2015-04-01 23:59:33
rating 4.7
2015-01-24 09:48:38
rating 5.9


2014-02-18 15:29:48
rating 6


2013-12-20 13:15:54
rating 3.1
2013-11-08 23:48:25
rating 4.8
2013-08-11 12:00:55
rating 5


2012-11-09 20:39:34
rating 5.2


2011-08-04 14:34:48
rating 4.7



2009-12-21 14:58:02
rating 4.3
2009-01-11 19:36:08
rating 4.1


2008-09-13 00:18:19
rating 4.5
2008-09-12 15:48:43
rating 4.9
2008-08-30 23:00:55
rating 4.5
2008-07-17 14:29:42
rating 3.2
2008-07-17 14:16:00
rating 4.3


2007-12-20 13:40:39
rating 4.3
2007-12-19 18:14:13
rating 4.1
2007-08-31 20:41:50
rating 2.8
2007-08-30 21:25:55
rating 3.7
2007-08-20 22:28:25
rating 3.6
2007-08-12 12:00:00
rating 4.1
2007-08-09 15:31:38
rating 3.5
2007-07-30 14:34:21
rating 2.7
2015-05-11 15:15:07
3 votes, rating 6
Chaos Dwarf miniatures - Which ones?
I don't know if everyone knows this or not, but I got an email from Willy Miniatures telling me about a release of Chaos Dwarves coming soon: https://www.indiegogo.com/project/preview/6a7b0706

However, I wasn't that impressed with them, which was a bit of a shock for me, as I normally love their stuff.

I don't particularly like the old Games Workshop original figures, and certainly wouldn't pay the overpriced eBay prices.

However, also on Indiegogo, there was a Meiko Miniatures Chaos Dwarf project that isn't yet available to purchase (for those of us that missed the kick starter): Scroll down on http://www.meikominiatures.com/

Impact miniatures also do a Chaos Dwarf team : http://www.impactminiatures.com/?option=search&search=chaos+dwarf&Submit=+Search+

Personally I think I prefer the Meiko ones overall... I suppose I might invest, depending on price etc.

I wondered if anyone recommended any others?

That being said, I do have a GW Undead team to finish off, and 1x Necro and 1x Goblin team from Willy Miniatures to paint first, so I'm in no rush!

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Posted by Merrick18818 on 2015-05-11 15:19:47
The Impact ones are great. I have a team of them with a Black Scorpion Minotaur, and they were a joy to paint. Good value as well.
Posted by Sammler_der_Seelen on 2015-05-11 15:33:14
I have a Gaspez Arts cd Team ,maybe you should Check the Site

Posted by BCH on 2015-05-11 16:08:05
The Gaspez Arts models are fantastic. Very high quality miniatures that were very fun to paint.
Posted by Patator on 2015-05-11 16:22:40
What is your cocnern with the WM team ? I've looked the 4 (counting the one Sammler suggested) and they are the one i prefer. They loose a lot of the "babylonian" look for a more traditional chaos look, but toher than that they look great to me.
Posted by DukeTyrion on 2015-05-11 17:29:25
I think you should mix them :-D

I love the indiegogo Bull Centaurs, but I don't like the Dwarves or Hobgoblins.

The Gaspez Hobgoblins looks pretty awesome, but I like the Impact Dwarves :-P

I know, having to order from 3 places isn't the best idea in the world, but none of the 'entire teams' really do it for me.
Posted by DrPoods on 2015-05-11 17:55:26
I like the Volmarian CDs.
Posted by huff on 2015-05-11 18:21:11
Meiko ones for me as well.

It wouldn't hurt to wait and see what the Willy ones are going to look like though, especially since you have some projects going on and the fact that Willy makes some great looking teams.
Posted by Wotfudboy on 2015-05-11 19:33:25
Willy Miniatures:
Mino: Simply doesn't float my boat.
Bulls: I like the heads/helmets but the bodies look a bit lacking (especially compared to the Meiko ones)
CDs: I like 2, 5 & 6 but not sure I like the others.
Hobgoblins: Simply no... I don't like them.

Meiko Miniatures:
Mino: It's alright... dramatic pose.
Bulls: I like the poses... bodies are good with nice detailing... heads are ok...
CDs: I like dwarf 3 & 4, and others are ok.
Hobgoblins: Really good! Nice poses and how Hob gobs should look in my opinion.

Impact miniatures:
Mino: A couple of choices, but not great.
Bulls: No... too ironclad and bland.
CDs: They don't look bad. I like the helmet covered heads, but unsure about big feet and chain skirts.
Hobgoblins: They're alright, but poor compared to the Meiko ones.

Mino: Really quite like the style actually.
Bulls: Nice aggresive styling.
CDs: I can see they appeal, but I like the idea of squat chaos warriors, and these guys are a bit too barbarian for me.
Hobgoblins: They do look rather freaky to me. No.

So it looks like the idea of mixing a few purchases up some time isn't a bad way to go.
Posted by fidius on 2015-05-11 20:51:54
I'm with Poods. Greebo ftw.
Posted by Wotfudboy on 2015-05-11 21:08:21
Just taken a look at: http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/1417-volmarian-chaos-dwarves?id_category=1417&n=20 ... which are the Volmarian you speak of... must admit... not bad... hmmm...
Posted by fidius on 2015-05-12 04:09:00
At first I was startled that you didn't care for Willy's Minotaur. But then I realized you weren't referring to this piece of flawless artistry: http://www.willy-miniatures.blogspot.ca/2013/05/minotaur-17.html
Posted by MDeLarge on 2015-05-12 10:49:41
Meiko minis, both models and paint sucks
Posted by Wotfudboy on 2015-05-12 17:59:24
@fidius... agreed... that's a lovely Mino... the one as part of the team on Indiegogo, not so much.