Now, how to Solve this thing with teams getting tied up against one another on the game finder. This is the third or fourth time for me, with DLS vs. Tauro's Starks of Winterfell!
I have previously got tickets resolved on it, but don´t we need an auto-function or some such if this happens so often.
Edit - Comments
What I suggest is that if both elect and accept one another on the Game finder, but do not START the game within a certain time, for example 1 or 2 h, the matchup is canceled.
Edit II: Woodstock, what is the abuse you expect? That people will intentionally tie up more teams without wanting to play them, or that they don't want to play games that is voluntary in the first place?
Much of what I like with this site, is the meta game, i.e. you play to build up your team and make strategic choices; that is the main reason I prefer to play one team at a time for the most part. This combined with me not being an admin, makes a team getting tied up for days for no good reason very annoying indeed.
If I did not like the meta game, I could just play a random team, i.e. just say you pick a race a TV and then get a build that you play. I normally would find that a lot less fun, even in a tournament setting.
Edit III And your solution is that every time the team I like to play gets tied up or finds no opponents I should make a new team at 1000 and play that up to replace the old team, right, Rijssiej?
Say I play Skyrim, I can always restart with a new character, but the fun part is doing X and solving issues with my current character. I.E on this site building my team. This is a part of metagaming, I wrote about earlier. And this is why I always prefer to play ONE team, as you can see from my old games:
So, if I restart and play a new team, I for the most part dont play the old team.