Posted by robocoyote on 2014-02-19 07:54:16
another Rosterbation blog by C3I2 yay.....
Posted by C3I2 on 2014-02-19 11:54:34
...and an Ag6 superstar Assassin is not cool enough for roboboy; one might wonder what it takes. Grandfathered Mv11 legend rats?
Posted by Rabe on 2014-02-19 16:27:59
Well, train assassins until you get one with Multi-Block again. You need the badge!! ;-)
I still wouldn't fire him though.
Posted by the_Sage on 2014-02-19 19:34:36
Thanks for the tribute C3l2. I have to say FMPE is one of the worst pieces of bloat I've ever coached... and I love him for it. =D
Yes, fire him.
And NOOOO: jugger > Mb witch! You can mb plenty with your blitzers. Surfing those AV9 guys is where the witch comes in.
Posted by C3I2 on 2014-02-20 03:08:09
I used to think, first skill double is Juggernaut so you could blitz wo turnover. Now, I mostly think, fast 16spp so MB (on top on completions and TDs) and larger chance for a second double. A late WE (esp with block instead of wrestle) should probably go Juggernaut though. Also, any WE with St4 should go Juggernaut.
If you have one type, you might also chose the other to have a complementary pair of them.
Posted by the_Sage on 2014-02-20 22:21:00
Well, jugger will help a wrestle witch stay up when she wants to while blitzing too. But yes, it's better for block (also vs wrestlers).
I took jugger as second skill on this witch, and never regretted it:
And that's with only 1 mb on the team. Basically, the basher tries to pomb the squishies while the witch tries to surf the AV9s (and anyone else who lets her).
With jugger, a 1 die surf becomes good odds, and a halfdie surf becomes decent odds.