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Last seen 34 weeks ago
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2015-05-21 16:55:09
rating 2.2
2015-05-06 12:50:50
rating 2.1
2015-04-27 15:05:48
rating 4.3
2015-04-06 08:44:41
rating 3.6
2015-04-01 16:34:47
rating 3.3
2015-03-30 23:55:06
rating 3.1
2015-03-23 08:18:26
rating 3
2015-03-22 09:12:59
rating 1.4
2015-03-16 19:17:33
rating 2.6
2015-03-01 15:22:33
rating 2.4


2014-11-07 16:23:02
rating 1.9
2014-02-19 05:51:03
rating 2.3


2013-12-29 21:17:29
rating 1
2013-12-11 19:14:08
rating 1.2
2013-12-09 21:18:51
rating 1.6
2013-11-27 15:01:25
rating 2.6
2013-11-25 00:48:39
rating 2.8
2013-11-09 01:04:40
rating 2.4
2013-08-12 00:23:35
rating 3
2013-08-01 01:10:53
rating 1.5
2013-07-30 15:44:11
rating 1.7
2013-07-28 15:59:40
rating 1.8
2013-07-27 22:22:22
rating 1.5
2013-07-22 21:59:06
rating 2.1
2013-07-21 00:03:58
rating 1.6
2013-07-19 16:47:29
rating 2.2
2013-07-16 20:40:22
rating 1.8
2013-07-12 18:51:46
rating 1.5
2013-07-11 13:05:57
rating 2.4
2013-07-10 22:46:37
rating 1.4
2013-07-10 06:01:10
rating 2.5
2013-07-07 23:51:51
rating 1.8
2013-07-05 13:39:33
rating 1.3
2013-06-15 02:28:05
rating 1.4
2013-05-29 02:25:24
rating 2.3
2013-05-14 01:16:43
rating 2
2013-05-05 22:23:49
rating 2.8
2013-05-02 13:20:11
rating 1.7
2013-04-26 23:08:51
rating 1
2013-04-14 21:30:48
rating 1.4
2013-04-11 22:24:20
rating 1
2013-03-28 16:54:17
rating 3.4
2013-03-21 02:59:48
rating 2.6
2013-03-08 07:14:57
rating 1.3
2013-03-07 20:50:49
rating 1.9
2013-03-07 12:03:37
rating 1.5
2013-08-01 01:10:53
29 votes, rating 1.5
One million gold
Some of you may remember this:

Gold/SE and Dark Elves

Now, my Million Gold March kept getting player losses so is far from that gold goal (Team with mainly Linemen). Surprisingly my Bowl and Chain team reached a million, at least temporarily. Despite rolling massive stat increases along the way so they reach spiraling expenses territory a bit to early.

I´m going to dip a bit into the cash, and then stay lower for a longer time. Why would you do that one might ask?

Well, it would be fun to break 1,5 M also! Then as you read the original board thread, you do realize that current officialdom supports building up teams, then abandoning them to restart.

Personally, I prefer to rebuild teams, as its more challenging, and why would you not want a classic team with 400 games that have had periods of big shot fame, mixed with rebuilding periods? To bad you cant do that at FUMBBL at the moment, not with Dark Elfs anyway.
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Posted by pythrr on 2013-08-01 01:14:39
of course bowl and chain reached a mil. you never play anyone who really has any damage power.

"current officialdom supports building up teams, then abandoning them to restart." - -- nonsense. If you EVER played anyone that could hurt your players, maybe you would get to rebuild, as you wish - - and without doing so artificially.
Posted by FredAstaire on 2013-08-01 01:14:43
Bit hard to rebuild a team when none of them die . . .
Posted by FredAstaire on 2013-08-01 01:27:40
Am also confused as to why you have journeymen on a team that has 1million in cash . . .
To quote harvestmouse, who put it nicely:-
"Elf teams are meant to go through hard times and be forced to rebuild. Not sit pretty because they've circumnavigated the rules with dubious JM usage.

Play your team, enjoy it, and then work hard when they crumble. You'll be respected and you/everybody will respect your team more for doing so."
Posted by C3I2 on 2013-08-01 01:31:56
Idiot comment Fred, look at the team one more time.
Posted by pythrr on 2013-08-01 01:38:49
please don't call Fred an idiot. That is personal abuse.
Posted by FredAstaire on 2013-08-01 01:39:31
Sure, but don't ignore the other valid points that both me & pythrr made just because I made one mistake.

But with 1million coins, and the picking means that you can safely buy a new lino, and fire him after a game (or create a bench, w/e)

Nobody cares that Bowl & chain made it to a million. Not because it's not a worthwhile achievement. But because you didn't put any effort into it. If you play an elf team properly, and suffer the same casualties that any team suffer of any race (AV9 can die too) and progress a team properly, and yet still get 1mill coins?? *That* is an achievement.

By the fact that most of your original team is still alive shows how much you cover them in bubble wrap, and when they acheive anything significant the fact that they are so fed on elves demeans any acheivement you get.
Posted by robocoyote on 2013-08-01 01:51:06
Why do you even make these posts? you play lame teams and no one cares
Posted by C3I2 on 2013-08-01 01:54:33
pythrr, is French Canadian, and cyber bully, but that also excuses his frequent lack of understanding in regards to posts written in English. The latter part may indicate that he intentionally misunderstands things at times.


Now, you may not be an idiot, Fred, but the post was idiotic, or to put it mildly newbie-ish, as it showed that you don't understand how J-men work. It is either that, or you intentionally misled in the post to point me in a bad light, which is it?
Posted by FredAstaire on 2013-08-01 02:00:54
Not sure how pythrr's race is of any relevance.

And yes, I already said I made a mistake, perhaps you also suffer 'frequent lack of understanding in regards to posts written in English'. But I also said, don't use it as an excuse to ignore a multitude of valid points that are being made.

I don't need to paint you in a bad light. Your behaviour & actions are already doing such a good job.

Like I said before . . . Play properly or no one will repect you or your teams.

I don't know how you enjoy picking the few select teams you do, I had my own breif spell of picking when i was new to the site, but then I got bored of it because it didn't feel like I was achieving anything.
Posted by C3I2 on 2013-08-01 02:13:39
French Canadian is not a race.... it is people living in Canada, who has French as their first language. Here you go:


As for you, you´re an 18 year old guy, who joined Fumbbl in May 10th, 2013, and have played about 100 games. That means you´re still new to the site, and that excuses you not knowing the mechanics of J-men, post match sequences and MNGs.

I´m still damn glad I´m not the one that have to grade any work you´re doing at Uni however. Also, you might want to skip the "when I was new to the site" comments for a while.
Posted by ThePeoplesChamp on 2013-08-01 02:16:07
im still waiting for you to blog something remotely worth reading.
Posted by FredAstaire on 2013-08-01 02:21:15
Please tell me more great, wise coach that you are, of how one can better oneself in the fine art of bloodbowl.

And if I can learn how much picking sucks in just 118 games, why can't you after almost 700??

Posted by The_Provocateur on 2013-08-01 02:21:49
You being here longer on the site doesn't disparage the fact that you're picking cherries and bragging about it. Please, just don't act like its an achievement, cause its really not.
Posted by ThePeoplesChamp on 2013-08-01 02:26:04
here here!
Posted by pythrr on 2013-08-01 02:31:09
I'm not French-Canadian, you arrogant piece of euro trash.
Posted by C3I2 on 2013-08-01 02:37:20
Well, I for one don't believe English is your native language pythrr.

French Canadian fits the facts, or rather your board-posts, blog-posts, blog comments and the plethora of PMs sent to me (I count 13 PMs so far).
Posted by pythrr on 2013-08-01 06:17:31
So, you don't think English is my native language ("I assume you mean mother tongue"). That is rather arrogant, no? Please present your evidence for this assumption (because that is all it is). I fancy a good laugh.
Posted by blocknroll on 2013-08-01 09:14:48
FredAstair averages approx. 40 games a month
C312 averages approx 7 games a month.
Fred will overtake C312 as wise experienced coach in approx 2 days.
Posted by C3I2 on 2013-08-01 10:17:13
Posted by C3I2 on 2013-08-01 10:34:18
Ans = 17.424242424
Months, given your assumption about rates of play. Can I assume you´re the English major complementing the Math major in this case? I mean since you wrote my site nick wrong blocknroll, might want to copy&paste next time.

Also, while we´re at it, feel free to show were any of Freds favourite Orc teams (Av9) plays any team with Claw+MB+PO. I´m betting you will find Zero such match-ups. You will probably not even find Claw+anything. Ranked being ranked, and all. I´ll say he lacks the claw experience. :-9
Posted by easilyamused on 2013-08-01 10:52:05
Oh dear god, get over yourself.

You got 1mil, congrats, massive achievement.

You managed this with an amazingly good win% as well. I am thoroughly impressed. I am also massively impressed the diversity of races played......
Posted by ThePeoplesChamp on 2013-08-01 11:33:52
dude you add zero value to this site. and you think youre clever or something, ive seen you play, youre really not.
Posted by Dan-Da-Man on 2013-08-01 11:41:33
This is why i dont hardly play ranked any more!!
Posted by FredAstaire on 2013-08-01 13:01:39
*Checks last time I played Claw + MB + PO* Oh the most recent game I played vs Nerco . . . GG no RE.

You don't have to play scary teams every single game . . . Just play *every* team, it will improve yourself as a coach as well as earning the respect of all of us . . .
Posted by paulhicks on 2013-08-01 18:44:39
i have some difficulty here for two reasons:

1) you elfball.

well so be it. your not the first and you wont be the last. i have known a lot of elfballers over the years and the truth is that 99% of them were nice guys that ive got along with. the bashers wanted to bash. the elfballers wanted to elfball.
that in itself is no big problem.
the only two issues that both extremes throw up are imbalance for tournies (Purplechest sorts that out) and distortion of the stats.
Bashers who only bash weaker teams distort the stats and create false legends. Elves who avoid risk and elfball do the same.
if you elfballed with no intention of playing tournies and no boasting about stat/ player achievements no-one would care.
problem is that from what I've seen you deliberately draw attention to these thing constantly by posting about them.
if you called a press conference to announce you'd knocked out 100 five year olds would you be surprised when people didn't respect your claims to be heavy weight champion?

2) you're making people agree with pythrr you bad bad man ;P

I'm sure your a nice guy and you have the right to play the way you want. Just don't be too surprised if the community isn't overflowing with hugs and cookies in response.
Posted by billiebob on 2013-08-01 20:47:01
'you deliberately draw attention to these thing constantly by posting about them..'

Hear hear.

Silence is golden.
Posted by C3I2 on 2013-08-01 20:55:30
I don't need cookies. But sometimes, it would be fun to have an opponent that lost a debate on the boards (yes, that is you pythrr) to admit it instead of posting and messaging a lot of "picker"+/"emo"+/*strange emoticons*. Then wait for it: 13 PMs and two phony tickets to the site about me.

As for the rest of you, I elf-bowl, get over it. I will continue to refuse to play your MB/PO teams to the end of time, as it is a broken mechanic.


As for you, Fred Astaire, don't worry, as a rule of thumb every Orc or Dwarf teams (Av9) that have Coaches who discovered how fantastic kill stacks are, and get upset when I refuse to play then, them-self always turn down Chaos/CD with claw/mb/PO on the finder.

So you´re not alone in not playing claw on ranked by a mile. It is however a tiny bit hypocritical to complain when squishy teams turn your team down, in return.

Also, it was indeed an idiotic post you opened this discussion with, perhaps you should not listen to pythrr next time? I assume you now learned how J-men, post match sequence etc works, so I wont continue to point out the flaws of your previous posts.
Posted by FredAstaire on 2013-08-02 00:17:51
You seem to be good at putting words in other peoples mouths.
And I don't get how, when I said that my most recent game was against claw, you took it to mean, "I'm a dirty picker who is racist to half of warhammer"
Once again you bring up the j-man thing, even though I said "don't ignore the other valid points . . . just because I made one mistake" & " I already said I made a mistake" . . . However you seem to have gripped on that idea, rather than the more valid one of:-
If you're are going to elf-bowl & play against 3 other teams for the rest of your career, then don't blog about your achievements like some 16-yr-old girl on tumblr.
I'll give you some quotes of people who have commented on your blogs, but you seem to be too busy lecturing people on their english to be able to read, it'll be nice & condensed, all in one place so it'll be easy to read.
1)" no one cares" - robocoyote
2)"get over yourself." easilyamused
3)"try something new!" - Azure
4)" Play properly or no one will repect you or your teams" - FredAstaire (I hear he is a nice guy, but he's only 18, so you should bring it up in conversation all the time as if it's relevant)
5"im still waiting for you to blog something remotely worth reading." - The PeoplesChamp

There are many pickers out there . . . But you act like taking advantages of loopholes in the system is some sort of greatness that we as a community should look up at you for.

Also, " I will continue to refuse to play your MB/PO teams to the end of time, as it is a broken mechanic." you said. Well as you seem so keen on poring over my profile, I had a look at yours, and look at this a team called 'Gott mit uns' with plenty of MB, and not one but two! PO.

Sure call me hypocritical, complain at the english of the communtiy, elfball with the easiest team to elfball in. But please, stop with your obnoxious, superior attitude. Stop crowing about non-achievements (I'm sure people will take you less seriously when you actually do anything of note) And stop changing this fun game about dice & pixels into a game where you try to be decietful & rude, while pretending your easy games are worth a damn.

Posted by FredAstaire on 2013-08-02 00:20:02
TL;DR I tell a story about how playing bloodbowl got me a threesome, and I eplain it in graphic detail. Lol, jk I'm a student & I rant about things
Posted by C3I2 on 2013-08-04 01:41:53
You see, lying about J-man abuse is not the only error you done, Fred, no I´m not talking about calling French-Canadians a race (you obviously know p, hence the reference was not to French-Canadians).

I assume you live on your parents dime at the moment. Anyone not scrounging of their parents know that to have more money at the end, the money in must by definition exceed money out. Thus, having a bunch of cash after your players got killed (or fired) would not be impressive, it would be impossible.

I already called you out on "when I was new to the site" so no need to continue, other then to state, yes, you´re still new, live with it.

As for your selective "quotations" might want to read up on Popper and Falsifiability. Its fairly simple really, just like your initial statements of abuse of J-men were false despite your quote of Mouse (the fallacy is argumentum ad auctoritatem) so, is your subsequent attemps att proving (what exactly?) using the multiple selected quotes, the name of the fallacy here is Argumentum ad populum; or as you might have seen it 三人成虎 (Chinese).

pythrr´s beef with me is my winning the board debate (it is not hard, he is very inconsistent), Elliot started cursing me out in the chat second half of our game (after I scored during my drive) and apparently have continued ever since. So, were do you come from, are you pythrr´s cousin perhaps? Or, are you just motivated by me calling you out on your idiotic post above?
Posted by pythrr on 2013-08-04 06:06:06
[1] winning what now? no one wins on the internet - you do know that, right? and if you are referring to the forum thread I think you are, it is the one where you were repeatedly warned by HM not to selectively quote the rules, and warned you would be banned from the forums if you did. I think it is you that needs to re-read Popper and Falsifiability.

[2] why are you still telling Fred he was wrong? He admitted that in his third post. Really not sure why you are flogging a dead horse here...

Posted by C3I2 on 2013-08-04 09:39:23
Case in point, incoherent posts.

No, the reason for your name calling etc. on the blogs and in PM is the board discussion, a discussion that I won so hard you cant give it up outside of the board.
Posted by pythrr on 2013-08-04 22:14:14
I give up. You are completely insane. What on earth is a "beard debate"?
Posted by zakatan on 2013-08-07 21:43:10
About time someone mentions Hitler and the nazis and calls it the day...
Posted by JimmyBlitz on 2013-12-01 19:58:38
Paul, Fred, and Pythrr FTW