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2015-08-01 14:36:32
rating 5.4


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rating 3.1
2013-02-13 02:20:45
rating 4.9


2012-12-26 00:22:58
rating 3.8
2012-11-27 00:06:55
rating 2.4
2012-10-27 22:50:55
rating 3.6
2012-09-25 19:54:42
rating 4.3
2012-09-24 23:32:10
rating 4.5
2012-06-12 03:08:15
rating 4.3
2012-05-03 16:58:09
rating 2.9
2012-03-10 18:48:34
rating 5.3
2012-01-18 22:53:23
rating 4.1


2011-11-23 18:27:22
rating 2.5
2011-10-26 02:27:30
rating 5.1
2011-09-09 00:08:29
rating 3.7
2011-08-13 19:37:29
rating 4
2011-07-10 05:42:48
rating 4.6
2011-07-06 01:37:51
rating 4.1
2011-06-05 23:34:45
rating 4.1
2011-05-05 17:01:02
rating 4.8
2011-05-01 00:00:17
rating 4.8
2012-10-27 22:50:55
34 votes, rating 3.6
Whining, moaning and kvetching
Very few things annoy me more than coaches that spend a whole game whining and moaning about their luck.

We've all had games where Nuffle has crapped on us, we've all had games where it has seemed like every 2+ has failed or that the opponent has rolled constant 6's. It happens, we all know it happens. It's in fact a crucial thing to learn, that some days it just isn't your day, It's one of the ways that I learned never to write off a game and keep plugging away.

Sure, Blood Bowl can be cruel and it is an uphill struggle if you lose players early but a Blitz in the right place and some good hit and run tactics can see you right back in the game.

Calling a game done in turn 1 or 2 ensures that the game IS done because even if you are still playing you've decided it's over so your ability to play goes right out the window.

If you've learned to accept that sometimes the dice will suck it means that when it does you can roll with the punches or at the very least take it with good grace. Mentioning your luck is acceptable but bemoaning it for 16 turns is not. Shrug your shoulders, laugh at your own misfortune and move on. It's a game, just a game, the violence is cartoonish and the referee is an idiot. Even the God of the game is an A'hole but you don't have to be.

*Disclaimer: this blog is not about a single coach, I've been speccing a few Stunty matches recently in which folks really aren't getting that Stunty exaggerates all swings in luck.*
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Posted by blader4411 on 2012-10-27 23:03:57
Moaning in Stunty? X_X
Posted by Aflo on 2012-10-27 23:06:30
Hmm, I've found this quite a bit in stunty. Usually but certainly not restricted to newer coaches in my experience for whatever reason, in fact I rarely get a chatty game at all in stunty despite my efforts which is a shame.
Posted by Corvidius on 2012-10-27 23:41:10
Aflo, next time I play you i'll be sure to chat about something random. :)
Posted by pythrr on 2012-10-27 23:45:33
maller dices PFFT lammer RNG like squirrel (SQUIRREL!!!) in stick with poo in garden of cheese.
Posted by blader4411 on 2012-10-28 00:32:11
Once I return to stunty I shall fill all my chats with ponies.
Posted by WhatBall on 2012-10-28 03:58:05
A nice reminder to have fun. Thanks
Posted by Corvidius on 2012-10-28 04:31:55
Pythrr: See what you did there. :)

Blader, totally, sure there'll be cutey mark discussion. :P

WhatBall, Absolutely, Smile while you're winning, laugh when you're losing. :D That's Stunty. :)
Posted by vaclav on 2012-10-28 10:20:14
Justice for kvetchers!
Posted by erased000072 on 2012-10-28 10:27:03
If you dice me, I retain my right to make the game as unpleasant for you as possible. That includes moaning.
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-10-28 11:50:59
Funny. I only have to go back in your match history a few games and see the name with the score. I know exactly who you are talking about and have to say that he is a lost cause. "Most miserable" by a long shot. Some people HAVE to win to enjoy it, and even then they can be truley rude and unpleasant. If there is currently some kind of tournemant underway in stunty, it could explain why it has attracted such a person.

Keep setting your own good example, and make an "always on top" window with a picture of something cool to drag over the chat area if you have to.


Posted by ElanTheBard on 2012-10-28 12:08:18
Great words my friend!
I totally agree with you.
And btw, if you want a chatty game in stunty, you should stop running away from me. :D
Posted by truckerpunk on 2012-10-28 13:30:26
Based upon own experience it seems; the more you have played, the less you moan and whine, and just accept that some games you get raped. It is a dice game...
Posted by spiro on 2012-10-28 17:40:48
pfffyythhrrr, you should start create your OWN words and use your OWN "brain" instead of use mine terminology. Many times here i'v noticed that you still using my words. I can understand that your brain is very slow, but you have lot of times here.

Btw i know that you missed me very much. I recived from you 2 PMs with questions about my back pfffft. I agree with Lizvis, you are EMO even if i'm claiming that EMO it's bad word for you.

Posted by Narlgoth on 2012-10-28 18:29:59
I don't really no what Spiro (or Pythrr) said but it sounds awesome (although in fairness I never really know what Pythrr's on about :- D).

We all get diced, and I like to think more then most, and I too hate it when someone starts moaning all the time because the rolled a couple of 2s. Bet most of them have never been diced for real!

I've also noticed this on Stunty too which makes me sad because I thought Stunty was supposed to be more of a laugh! I've kind of given up been chatty now as it opens the gate for moaning. I've noticed its the higher ranked coaches too a lot of the time. I just stop talking, but it saps a lot of my enjoyment, win or lose. Get a grip people!
Posted by vaclav on 2012-10-28 19:01:37
I rated it 6, cause this blog had summon Spiro.
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-10-28 22:13:37
What happened to the other blog that was about this blog? Did it get erased due to plain old fashioned negativity and hostility?
Posted by Corvidius on 2012-10-28 22:43:40
Not sure Murker, I commented on it and thought it was fairly funny. *Shrugs*
Posted by Chainsaw on 2012-10-29 00:23:47
"When my opponent wins, it's dice rape.
When I win it's genius."

The FUMBBL mantra.

- C

Posted by spiro on 2012-10-29 00:32:40
ok, i will try write something about how the people are behaving generally, i mean psychological aspects of life. First i will write some points that will be the phylons.

1. All the people want's win, nobody wants lose, however even if someone could have lose then only after great fight.

2. All the people want's beat (i mean in game) nobody wants to be beaten.

3. All the people wants to hear opponents screaming, moaning, whining, ask Conan Barbarian. If someone is claiming that won't then he is a lier or a priest.

4. Most of the people especially in game Bloodbowl wants kick as many butts as it's possible, get as many TD as it's possible , see as many blood as it's possible and hear as many screems as it's possible...

SO- do not write bullcrap words about how crappy is to hear that someone is moaning, whinning etc...
you people are just hipocrites and liers, most of you.
Posted by Corvidius on 2012-10-29 01:31:54
Spiro, That's a pretty generalised description there and I take deep offence to being called bot a liar and a hypocrite. I play Blood Bowl, and in particular Stunty to have fun, if you can't understand how a human being is able to not derive pleasure from someone elses misfortune then I pity you, truly I do.

Winning, causing casualties & TDs, progressing your team are all goals but my ultimate aim is to have fun. Even if you are grinding my team into the dirt. I've lost to coaches I thought didn't play well and I've won when I've thought the opponent was superior and I don't play down lucks part in that. I'll take the chances when I see them and I'm definitely an opportunist coach, not a great coach. I've been beat more times than not (pretty certain i've got a negative winning record) but I still play the game because apart from folks who wish to encourage negativity I love this crazy ball game. :P
Posted by Underworlder on 2012-10-29 08:19:15
Spiro... you're uncommentable!

To the topic... I moan and whine... even when I'm the lucky one... it's part of my having fun with the game

I cannot suggest anyone to "take it easy because it's a game"... I perfectly know that when a 31spp nurgle warrior (and nurgle players know how hard is reach 31spp with a AG2 MA4 player) there's no much to laugh about

But I can suggest to "ignore" your opponent moan and whine... that can be done. WE all need some way to unburden the momentary frustration for a double skull, or the frustration for a match in witch all seems to roll crap

Let anyone write down his unburdening, without giving those any importance
Posted by spiro on 2012-10-29 17:09:07
Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors. Psychology has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases, and by many accounts it ultimately aims to benefit society. In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called a psychologist, and can be classified as a social, behavioral, or cognitive scientist. Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring the physiological and neurobiological processes that underlie certain cognitive functions and behaviors.

Corvidius, try to tell them all, that all psychology it's generalising because each man is defferent in your point pffft.
Posted by Corvidius on 2012-10-29 18:13:26
Underworlder, fair point guv, can't complain about folks reactions if i'm not willing to examine or change my own.

Spiro, and are you a professional psychologist with an understanding of the human psyche based on years of study and research? Or just another random net dude as qualified as i am to speak about psychology? Of course you'd imagine that I might, just might, understand my own motivations better than you do.

Hold on, wait, now I remember why Pythrr mocks you RNG rants, which is really complaining about luck right. Ah, played right into your hands there didn't I. Oh well, I'll just be over here chilling out and being a random dude complaining about complaining. Cya.
Posted by Underworlder on 2012-10-29 21:59:18
I was talking about myself and the why of my moaning about dices during games
I was suggesting to ignore whiner like me because my whines are usually my way of unburdening my frustration

I never intended to be rude and, if I correctly read your mood (but I can easly be wrong) you got offended for some reason

And sorry, for my english, but I really didn't understand you last three rows
Posted by Corvidius on 2012-10-30 00:06:54
Underworlder, nope not annoyed at you. I understood what you meant about being able to change my attitude to other people complaining. It was a good point. :D
Posted by spiro on 2012-10-30 16:50:41
1, your deductions fails, your psyche is such twisted, that nobody know what the hell there is.
2, Pfffythrrr is ranting from anything and anybody here.
3. Congratulation to you for very fast carrier here, even if you completely do not know about RNG discussion.

4. pffft, bye
Posted by Underworlder on 2012-10-31 08:23:36
ahahaha... My English is so bad... I really didn't understand if you're serious or you're joking, sorry

And yes, I don't know what RNG mean, completely
Posted by Corvidius on 2012-10-31 23:41:09
Underworlder, RNG stands for Random Number Generator, which Fumbbl uses to simulate the dice rolls. Spiro is convinced that the RNG used for Fumbbl is broken. He has quite a lot of his thoughts posted on his profile if you want to check them out, he has also made the argument on several forum posts over the years.

He and Pythrr do not get on.

I may not have commented on much since I joined but I've read a lot of back and forward forum posts. :)
Posted by spiro on 2012-11-01 15:12:24
Crap thinking Corvidius, you are failed too, RNG broken it was only key words. You completely do not know what i wrote there.

I will not explain that for you because it's waste my time and aimless.
Posted by Joemanji on 2012-11-03 17:29:53
Whining about whining is whining.
Moaning about moaning is moaning.
Kvetching about kvetching is kvetching.

There are types of behaviour far worse than these on FUMBBL that nobody bats an eyelid at (e.g. spite fouling, lame timeouts). These ruin not just the game being played but sometimes the next game too. We are told to suck these up because they are in the rules. If we don't like it we are told to get lost - read a thousand different profiles and you'll see a variation on that theme.

Moaning is allowed by the BB and site rules. If you don't like, don't play.
Posted by Corvidius on 2012-11-06 02:34:48
Hey Joe,

Yup, Spite fouling is definitely something that folks take issue with, not something I take issue with but never the less. I am also aware of the irony of moaning about moaning ( I might even have mentioned it in a previous blog about luck) and I'm not so much bothered by the occasional moan (in person or on here) but it does bug me when people complain about luck they had on turn 2 and call the game done, they cease to try AND complain.

I'm even fine with having a round table discussion bemoaning luck both specific and general in the pub after a game or tournie. Paul Gegg wasn't too happy with my Ogre teams dice at Albabowl, he complained but crucially he never called the game done. He and I both knew my luck had been horrendously good to get 7 casualties against Chaos Dwarves but he kept playing, he beat the tar out of snots and in the end it was a well fought draw.

And sure, moaning about luck while playing isn't against the rules, totally agree, but it still bugs me as a spectator or as an opponent but your also right in at least one of the options, put up and shut up or don't play here. Alternatively I can just hide the chat window and ignore my opponent as soon as he starts moaning, but then again I'd also think that was a bit of dick move in general.

So I'll stick with the option of being a sanctimonious so and so and bemoaning folks for being less than chirpy, might vent on the occasional blog too. :P