Posted by polardragon on 2012-11-27 00:37:41
Not sure if I am the offending stunty coach or not, but I sometimes open gamefinder 'just to see what is out there' even when I have no time to play.
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2012-11-27 01:33:26
Yeah it's too bad you can't lurk without putting teams up. :)
Posted by Dan-Da-Man on 2012-11-27 01:38:57
Happens all the time on ranked
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2012-11-27 01:40:48
Still a sneaky guy who runs off is better than the team spamming pickers who clog up the gamefinder. :P
Posted by Corvidius on 2012-11-27 02:59:14
Polardragon, nah we've played man. My Skryre v your Skinks, it was a fun game. :D
Posted by Nelphine on 2012-11-27 06:28:46
Not sure if it's me either, but I also do the 'lets see who's looking for games' a lot; I also dither between which teams I actually want to play (league, ranked, box, stunty) and so I'll join gamefinder, then change teams, then leave gamefinder altogether, then activate a team that only wants games against 2 races, then leave again, all within 5 minutes before I finally decide I really do want to just activate 4 teams in the box and get a random game.
Posted by the_Sage on 2012-11-27 07:45:48
Nelphine's description sounds like what I do. I could activate all my teams, see matchups, and then think 'I don't want to play... (bash/elf/stunty/whatever) and refine my selection. I do this especially if the global overview gets truncated and I want to see all matchups for one particular team. without clicking through all the others.
Also: it could be coaches simply tick 'no', thus removing the matchup from your overview as well.
Posted by Dhaktokh on 2012-11-27 10:37:17
What the_sage says:
Also: it could be coaches simply tick 'no', thus removing the matchup from your overview as well.
I do that sometimes to get rid of too spacy match-ups for my gobbos ;-D
Posted by Qaz on 2012-11-27 20:11:25
It me. I been running form you ever since I saw your teams. But I would like to make amends and will offer you a game vs Lone Stars straight away! name your time and Lone Stars will be there. I am tiered of running...
Posted by Crook666 on 2012-11-27 20:22:15
I got a tattoo that says "Those who flee from a battle can fight again". I support Qaz, he honestly admitted his repeated running. Want to see this long-delayed showdown, sure.
Posted by Corvidius on 2012-11-28 01:02:18
Hmmm, that doesn't look like a Stunty team to me sir I cry balderdash in your general direction. I say Shenanigans are going on! Saying that, i'd probably play them with my Ogres for the lulz. :P