Posted by Aries on 2011-08-13 19:53:58
Posted by pythrr on 2011-08-13 20:03:25
blodge is so OP
Posted by Kinks on 2011-08-13 20:04:17
I think you'll find I dislike Zons as much as C-POMB.
The reason people whine more about C-POMB than other power combo's is because it is more prevalent, (arguably) most powerful (according to the sprint for example) but most likely because it doesn't just effect this game you play them (unlike all other combos) the side effects can last for several.
I believe I did join debates to make gob's and flings better.
Maybe the reason the issue is raised so often is because it effects so many people so often?
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2011-08-13 20:52:42
This isn't about a riot :/
Posted by pythrr on 2011-08-13 21:15:06
Everything is about a RIOT!
Posted by Calcium on 2011-08-13 22:16:17
nerf Blodge 2012
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2011-08-14 00:02:41
No, you mean:
Vote Cthulhu 2012
Posted by TTS on 2011-08-14 05:15:13
People don't absolutely complain about overpowered scoring mechanics. Everytime I ever see a dedicated one turn scorer the whining comes out in droves.
The reason people hate cpomb so much is because A.) They love their pixels too much, or B.) Whenever you do lose to it, it is a helpless and boring game. B was the reason Khemri, Ogre, and DP got nerfed into the ground from a bashy, casualty causing sense.