Posted by maysrill on 2011-05-05 17:10:08
You're lucky. My friends mostly don't want to play me in tabletop anymore =/ (buncha cowardly n00bs, I tells ya!)
Posted by JoseBagg on 2011-05-05 17:29:46
I never bought into the argument of "its bad to give the next guy such an easy game". You will get your share of easy games from other peoples bash fests. In the TT league I play in, I am the superstar player thanks to fumbbl. I really enjoy it when a guy just starts over with a new team after playing me.
Posted by Cavetroll on 2011-05-05 20:54:03
I'm curious to hear about anyone having a fight/argument in a TT league for playing with a FUMBBL mentality :)
Posted by Corvidius on 2011-05-05 23:51:09
Flashback - Fortunately no arguments although there was rightly some grumbling about the death of his sure feet blodging catcher with sidestep. Apo fail is never fun. :)
JoseBagg - We play a fixed schedule league so each season you have to play (in this case) 3 games against the same opponents with only 2 friendlies allowed per season. Quitting would mean he'd only be allowed to play friendlies until the cup at the end of June so it'd be a bit of a wait while everyone else is busy with their divisions.
Maysrill - Certain styles of play certainly don't win you friends but keeping them should be fine. :) Train them up. :)
Posted by phil78 on 2011-05-06 00:28:20
rated 6 for the stalling
how could you JR, how could you :D
Posted by Corvidius on 2011-05-06 10:27:42
Phil, it WAS against twitchy Daves Wood Elves so it's allowed. :)
Posted by pythrr on 2011-05-06 10:34:58
hehe, killz them
and then nick their stuff
Posted by the_Sage on 2011-05-08 00:06:32
I think your problem is not that removing players makes for easier matches. The problem is that scoring in turn 8, while tactically solid and netting you a win, actually lands fewer SPPs for both coaches.
If the other people in the same league keep scoring 2TTDs both ways, their SPP progression will be faster (as well as suffering fewer casualties).