Posted by SnakeSanders on 2008-12-25 15:26:26
It always makes me smile when it seems that things like FSM'sm and atheism always seem to be against Christianity and not anything else, like Islam, Bhuddism, Paganism, Shinto
Then again, we should be acomodating to every religion in the world, apart from Christianity of course!
But the pics were funny, before someone says Im some sort of religious zealot
Posted by EvolveToAnarchism on 2008-12-25 16:00:42
The "seems" is they key word in SnakeSanders post. Poor! Poor! Persecution Complex!
Posted by SnakeSanders on 2008-12-25 16:30:50
Whatever ;)
Posted by nin on 2008-12-25 22:24:08
Wonderfull pick of the Flying Spagetty Monster.