A few quick thoughts on where I'd send Stunty:
Snotlings: 3 Big Guys + 2 Big Guys still = Lots of blood.
My preferred change would be to revert the Snotling Heroes to Spore Flingers. Give them Pass access (and a passing skill)
I can hear the groans due to less carnage. But think of the HMP mayhem!
Skinks: M8 = too fast
My preferred change would be to ditch these guys completely in favour of more mayhemful rosters like Circus, Horrors, Dark Familiars, Bray etc.
But if you must keep them, slow them down! Ideas I'd pursue: Crested Skink, mini-dinosaurs, less uberfast skinks
Squig Herders: Squigs + RSC = Lots of carnage if played smartly
My preferred change would just be to lower the RR cost which should help the less intelligent coaches compensate for all those OFAB, Wild Animal rolls
But please don't give the squigs G access!
Cheaters: Quintessential mayhemful stunty roster
Keep as is.
But if you feel the need to change them, I'm with those who say don't give G access to the Kickers; give it to the pogos.
Fairies: I like their (lucky) charm!
If I was doing them again, I'd keep them simpler. I'd merge the Leprechauns and Pixies together. HG and Strip Ball work magically together and get rid of the cludgy VLL on the pixies. A simpler more thematic team. I'd even consider giving them a discount on their Wizard purchase.
Chaos Halflings: You don't want to know my opinion on them!
My preferred change would be to develop an Chaos Dwarf/Daemon Engine team loaded with Chainsaws.
Eshin Adepts: They were playtested???
My preferred change would be to rework the whole roster but try to keep the abundance of daggers. Maybe base them of the Skryre ST 1 template?
Gnoblar: Not too familiar with these guys.
I just hope that any changes makes sure there is a real choice between the different Ogre types.
Gnome: Fluff them up.
My preferred change would be to build on the background that I was building with the T.N.T. Orc Slayers became Daredevils but their profile never really changed to reflect this. They were no longer the uberloser trollslayers but a gnomish cult inspired by their brethren. Give them Stunty and AG3 to reflect this. I'd also lower their AV to 7 (no armour much like their dwarven cousins) and I'd also give AV 7 to the Mad Bombers (grammatical name change) as carrying bombs makes you easier to injure. Fluff based changes that should also appease the bloodthirsty.
Nurglings: Simple fun with mutations
I'd keep them as is. A bit of a dull team but that's the price you pay for regeneration's resilience.
But if you do add a positional, a guarder or a horned one (especially if you don't intend to use the Dark Familiar/Imp team concept) would be a decent move. But please use the great fluffy names that have already been suggested.
Pygmy: No need to change.
But I don't see a much harm in giving G access to the Alligator Warriors but don't think they need it.
Skryre Slaves: Mechavermin change???
Three + skills + assists = slaughterbeast. I don't know if that's worth worrying about.
Strigoyan: Like the change to the Lord
While your at it could you change "Vampling" to "Strigoyan Acolyte". Somehow that didn't make it into the database which is funny as the Strigoyan theme was created to allay concerns of the perpetual cries for more "ling" teams. Sad
Others: I'd have loved to have seen a few more fluffy teams added to the Leeg during my time with Mr-Klipp. I'd love to see someone champion some of the following teams: Circus, Horrors of Tzeentch, Bray (Hounds), Dark Familar/Imp/USFL, Chaos Dwarf Daemon Engines (Chainsaws!!! Gawd! I love that sound!). Do a forum search or e-mail (same name @rogers.com) me if you want some advice and don't mind waiting.
I can't believe I went through the trouble of typing up a brief summary of my thoughts on the Leeg when I have no intention of returning to FUMBBL. Take them for what they are: the thoughts of an old-time vet who played
a part in the development of the Leeg and who's been inactive for quite some time (pretty clueless about Eshin and Gnoblars) but who none the less still has a soft spot in his heart for
injecting some fluffy mayhem into the Leeg.