Posted by Calthor on 2011-07-16 21:36:19
This might be it:
Posted by ultwe on 2011-07-17 00:04:01
For something that old, your choices are probably E-bay, car boot sales, or equivalents. Alternatively, download it from a less 'wholesome' website....
Posted by DonTomaso on 2011-07-17 00:34:46
Posted by Astarael on 2011-07-17 01:05:28
You'll almost certainly need to download a 'cracked' copy of some kind (aka most online versions of a dodgy nature).
As it's a Windows 95 game modern OS will probably break running it.
If you want to get legit, amazon do sell it :P
Posted by paulhicks on 2011-07-17 01:33:42
when i read this i thought it said "sophies choice" and thought "omg thats sick!! they made a game out of that?" ... reading failure. not just for americans it seems ;P
Posted by Brother-Fu on 2011-07-17 03:17:50
On a side note, the author of the book, Jostein Gaarder is Norwegian as am I. About 10 years ago I worked in an Electric Appliance store, where I once sold him a toaster. The guy has got a really stupid voice... :P
Posted by Jeffro on 2011-07-17 07:25:26
Friend of mine had a dog named Sophie that he brought back from the dead with mouth to mouth resuscitation... though he was not entirely certain it was not, at that point, undead.
Oh and it was blind and incontinent BEFORE he brought it back to life... the freaking idiot :P Undead dog named Sophie that would crap all over the place and walk through it, cuz she couldn't see...
... what was this blog about? My story is much more entertaining :D
Posted by pythrr on 2011-07-17 18:53:01
i agree with jeffro,
what happened to the dog in the end? inquiring minds wish to know.
Posted by Jeffro on 2011-07-17 19:19:25
It died the true death very undramatically. Not unlike Marlon Brando's heart attack in The Godfather. Nobody around to help, to care, or get flustered.
Posted by pythrr on 2011-07-18 09:37:28
poor thing. we pray for its incontinent soul.
Posted by TheSpoonyBard on 2011-07-18 22:27:42
Man, they need to make a game out of Sophie's Choice. That would rock so hard.
Posted by Gromrilram on 2011-07-19 15:37:59
always those people that deliberatelly derail conversations from the topic...