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Last seen 14 years ago
Win Percentage


2011-07-16 21:29:17
rating 3.1
2011-07-15 22:00:33
rating 3.9
2011-07-15 19:07:07
rating 2.5
2011-07-15 18:26:26
rating 2.4
2011-07-02 16:33:29
rating 1.7
2011-07-01 20:14:45
rating 3
2011-03-16 21:30:51
rating 2.6
2011-02-08 23:48:04
rating 2.9
2011-02-08 22:36:42
rating 3.6
2011-02-03 23:04:18
rating 3.8
2011-01-31 08:57:39
rating 2.7
2011-01-28 17:01:09
rating 4.4
2011-01-19 06:26:21
rating 4.6
2011-01-03 04:04:28
rating 3.8


2009-03-08 00:01:57
rating 3.2
2009-01-24 22:10:33
rating 2.5
2009-01-22 09:57:17
rating 2.8
2009-01-20 11:16:47
rating 3.4
2009-01-15 03:10:27
rating 3.1
2009-01-06 20:02:13
rating 2.7
2009-01-04 00:04:34
rating 3
2009-01-02 00:18:03
rating 3.6
2009-01-01 06:27:21
rating 4


2008-12-25 00:28:55
rating 3.3
2008-12-19 21:18:36
rating 3.8
2008-06-25 22:16:19
rating 3.2
2008-06-22 06:45:50
rating 2.9
2008-06-19 07:33:58
rating 2.3
2008-05-29 05:54:44
rating 3.5
2008-05-21 22:05:32
rating 3.5
2008-05-20 20:53:34
rating 3.5


2007-12-31 23:46:59
rating 3.8
2007-12-31 10:45:52
rating 2.8
2007-09-17 05:28:18
rating 4.1
2007-09-12 03:04:11
rating 3.8
2007-08-31 07:02:11
rating 4.4
2011-02-03 23:04:18
36 votes, rating 3.8
Conversing with the Past
Do you enjoy discussions that have some history?

Or does it actively cause you pain when you see a discussion that has a little bit of history in it?

If it does cause you pain when you see old topics discussed anew alongside earlier statements, could you explain to me why it causes you so much pain and suffering that you feel the need to block them out. I really would like to know. Likewise, can you tell me how old the statements must be for them to cause you pain. Is it 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years or 2 decades? Please enlighten me.

P.S. On an unrelated note, I'd like to hear your thoughts on CR. Have they evolved with time. If so, please post in this thread: http://fumbbl.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=451666#451666
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Posted by Skolopender on 2011-02-03 23:23:00
Hey people! Get over here!

There is a dead horse just lying there... Lets beat it!
Posted by EvolveToAnarchism on 2011-02-03 23:53:27
I'm confused. I was expecting you to show some goodwill and answer the questions. But thanks for your contributions, they are much appreciated.
Posted by Chrome_ghoul on 2011-02-04 01:02:05
I have no problem with CR in ranked. I think it's fun for people who care about it, and meaningless for those that do not.
Posted by Meech on 2011-02-04 01:25:54
I like some old discussions, but posting in a thread that is over 5 years old is kinda silly. I have seen 3 or 4 year olds that are more subtle when looking for attention.

I am surprised that you didn't blame Shadow46x2 for locking that thread.

Posted by James_Probert on 2011-02-04 01:42:44
that thread died for a reason.

and that's not because the admins clamped down on it...
Posted by EvolveToAnarchism on 2011-02-04 01:49:42
That's bizarre. It seemed to be generating some discussion until Angie locked it down.
Again, what harm is done by allowing new users to contribute to an old thread? Or old users to look back and comment on how their opinion has changed? How does that hurt anyone?

@Meech. Please grow up! You are a horrible mind reader.
Posted by Macavity on 2011-02-04 03:36:36
I'm afraid that I doubt your P.S. is un-related to your post :)

I didn't care at all about CR, now I'm slightly annoyed by it due to the occasional coach who thinks they should be beating me because their CR is higher, and whine when I win.
Posted by EvolveToAnarchism on 2011-02-04 03:38:02
You're on to me Mac! I wouldn't be whining if you beat me, I'd be crying.
Posted by paulhicks on 2011-02-04 04:01:48
I gotta say i kinda agree with Evo here**. ive posted my own feelings about thread locking in my blog before but i didnt really touch properly on hread necromancy.

Theres always been a great divide in opinion on fumbbl about where to post comments on old ideas (and lets face it there are few COMPLETLY new topics to discuss in blood bowl) and people either get slated for "not searching the forums" or get trashed for "thread necromancy".
The idea of a discussion board (in my humble and probably not worth jacks**t opinion) should be to promote discussion. New comers have as much right to debate the main hot topics as the rest of us did back then and i think it provides an interesting insight into how Fumbbl and the comunity is changing.
I understand the locking of threads from 2003 where someone just necro's it to post "yes i agree" but not when someone is just trying to resurect an old conversation with new ideas.

I honestly think that a good sugestion was made recently (cant remember who by sorry) to archive and lock ALL the old threads. This would end any debate over necromancy and would encourage everyone to look at the popular topics anew.

As i've stated before non of this is an attack on any mod and i'm not saying im necesserily right. I just genuinely believe that the shutting down of discussions as anything other than a last resort detracts from the comunity i love.

** Evo while i do agree with you mate on this and many other subjects i have to say i think you make a rod for your own back sometimes.
You are intellegent and always well informed about the things you debate but because you so often take teh antagonistic approach these days it seems more and more often people will dismiss what you write even when you are trying to make a valid point. When you attack admins rather than trying to politely point out where you think policy goes wrong you make it (again in my humble opinion) that little bit less likly that you will actualy acheive the change you hope for.
For me its a personal shame because as ive said i agree with you on so much and i do think you could achieve more positive change than you do at the moment.
I apologise if this come accross as patronising. Its jsut how i feel.
Posted by EvolveToAnarchism on 2011-02-04 04:25:01
I appreciate the comments paul, I really do. But you aren't privy to the number of times I have politely, rationally and with great civility have raised my points in private with various staff members. That's always my first attempt. When that doesn't work, I try to post things with humour as a way to bring the problem to the general community and helping me blow off some steam at the same time.

I know my points are backed with reason and logic. And others do as well. Plus a significant number of people are contacting me telling me that they feel that I'm being bullied by staff. You don't sit idly by when bullies are at work. Those in the field of preventing bullying often claim that sitting by and doing nothing is almost as bad as actively participating in the bullying. To prevent bullying you must challenge it. And of that I definitely plead guilty. It may not look pretty but it must be done. And thanks for patronizing my blog ;)
Posted by freak_in_a_frock on 2011-02-04 13:25:57
When i was young i absolutly loved 'Rage against the Machine'. But as I grew up i realised that they didn't ever really seem to know what they were angry about. They were just angry in general. I once saw an MTV video award when one of them protested by climbing a wall, when asked what he was protesting about he looked sheepish and replied that he wasn't sure. The seemed to be anti capitalist, and yet still charged lots of money to watch them, they hated the rich and famous and yet strived to become just that. Don't get me wrong I still like to listen to their music, but long ago I realised that some people will always try to find something to rebel against, no matter whether they truly have views on the subject at hand or not.

Not sure what this has to do with this blog, but i thought i'd share my little story with you anyway.
Posted by Burnalot on 2011-02-04 14:14:03
Can't see why that thread was locked. Now if someone wants to discuss CR they are forced to make a new thread. Then we will have two threads on CR. Then it might be locked and people who want to discuss CR will have to make a new thread. Repeat til eternity. Doesn't make sense to me.
Posted by Arktoris on 2011-02-04 21:05:23
I agree with Paul Hicks. It's always unattractive to see people complain in new threads about "you should of searched the forum before starting a new one", only to cry "necromancy" when someone actually does.

Neither is wrong and those who complain are simply attention whores.

would also agree there's too much "locking abuse" going on. Even Christer recently made a blog instead of a forum thread to avoid "getting locked"

Posted by JellyBelly on 2011-02-05 00:03:50
I totally see where you're coming from. There does seem to be a lot of anger atm directed towards people who want to debate previously discussed issues, which I don't really understand. I think someone said in the 'One Big Division' thread: "I can't believe this nonsense has reached 11 pages - it's ridiculous" (or something like that). Well, if it's reached 11 pages then there are clearly quite a few people who have something to say and want to discuss it, and feel strongly about it. Just because you don't want to talk about something, why does that mean other people shouldn't? Situations change over time, and sometimes it can be worth revisiting old discussions in a new context. Besides, why should newer members of the community be denied the opportunity to have their say on some of the longer-standing/more controversial issues, just because they got there a bit too late?

It would be good to have some clarification from the forum admins as to what is the preferred thing to do if someone wants to revisit or add something to a previously discussed topic - start a new post or necro and old one? I've gotta say I'm rather confused about this, when people seem to be getting slammed for doing either.