FUMBBL revived Blood Bowl for me... and I will always be eternally grateful to Christer for maintaining this site. It has allowed me to become a better coach than I was (even though I'm still not even close to an elite level compared to others here). But I often play to - or just below - the level of my opponent, so I've improved by osmosis.
I've also met a great number of folks through the site - some still just virtually, but others in real life. I look forward to more cross-over.
A good number of my games getting to 2000 played have been builders for the NBFL, but I count those in total as well, because they
are fun... and it's for the league that I enjoy most. League is definitely where this game shines, in my opinion. Rivalries and history build into the fluff of what
is a sports role-playing game. For my 2000th, I have asked my co-commissioner and friend,
ryanfitz, to rig the upcoming NBFL schedule so that our teams -
The Carolina Black Panther Party and their bitter rivals,
The Atlatl'n'Falchions play each other to start the season.
We will play either this coming Sunday Night or Monday Night (I'll confirm the time soon). I welcome all interested parties - and especially as many of the NBFL - to come and throw rocks at both of these bloated teams.
***EDIT* Looking at playing Sunday night at 9pm EST / 7pm licker. ***
Thanks for reading and thanks again to FUMBBL and the community here that has kept my interest for so long.