Posted by blader4411 on 2011-12-13 21:35:45
Still being eaten alive by Skyrim. :P
Posted by lizvis on 2011-12-13 21:56:51
Posted by Purplegoo on 2011-12-13 22:04:24
Enjoy! We had a bit of a WOW slowdown, but nothing massive.
Touch wood some of you will remain on the light side... Or something. ;)
Posted by Ehlers on 2011-12-13 22:07:14
Er du i et guild eller?
Og ja, Venter også på access. Må vente til i morgen hvor de begynder på nye waves.
Posted by Mateuszzzzzz on 2011-12-13 22:09:40
I'em going to play. Possibly even my empire character will be on Bloodworthy. Think some of my friends mentioned that name.
Posted by svemole on 2011-12-13 22:48:08
I´ll play to. Will go bloodworthy if its on my time.
Posted by DanielM75 on 2011-12-13 23:45:44
Won't change me.
BUT, when iablo 3 comes out I will be gone for a maybe years.....
Posted by pythrr on 2011-12-14 00:31:08
sounds rather lame!
AFK Leonard!
Posted by spinball on 2011-12-14 02:47:47
I am going to be playing...primary server correllian run
Posted by PainState on 2011-12-14 04:06:31
Diablo 3 is just a rumor to keep you playing Diablo 2...dont believe the hype.
I stoped believing the hype 5 years ago.
Posted by VoodooMike on 2011-12-14 04:10:50
Diablo 3 is just a rumour to get you to buy into Blizzard's 12-month WOW pact.
SWTOR is good fun, but I'm baffled by their decision to make maximum party size 4. Makes it hard to transition our weekly dungeon group over from WOW.
Posted by the_Sage on 2011-12-14 08:07:45
Tried SWTOR on a tester weekend. I wasn't impressed. I love Bioware games to death. I enjoyed WoW for a while (til lvl 45ish). However, the mix of the two didn't seem right. The writing and voice acting was quite ok mostly, but unlike in single player RPGs, I felt it was getting in the way of the game, instead of being the game's content. In mass effect and Dragon's Age, I enjoyed long conversation paths, and getting a feel for characters and the situation. I even turned off the subtitles to get it all from the voice acting.
In an MMO, you (I) want to quest and level effiviently, so I often felt like I was in a hurry to get somewhere, which kept me from enjoying the full story.
Maybe I should just start playing Dragon's Age 2
Posted by Ehlers on 2011-12-14 10:39:13
I disagree. In WoW I felt all the quests etc. was meaningless. You just check what do I have to collect or slay at the end of the quest message and then off you go. I like story driven games, what they tried to a great deal in FFXI:Online. But in the beta week I really felt that there are actually meaning in reading and hearing those quests out. Your choices will effect your dark/light side and your standing with your companion.
Story driven MMORPG, finely we have one :)
Posted by Niebling on 2011-12-14 12:42:31
I am playing both Dark and Light side on this server, both sides in guilds.
On the Light side I play to play with my GF and some few RL friends and on the Dark side with some other RL friends but in a bigger guild that has plans to do raids.
Yes yes I know obvious joke with Dark side when I am alone and with the GF I am all goodie ;) but sad thing is my RL friends could not agree on either the dark or the light so we ended in a split :( such a shame!!!
Posted by Ballcrusher on 2011-12-14 12:50:14
I'm looking forward to serve the republic on Bloodworthy :)
Can you play both Light and Dark on the same server??? I thought you could only join one side on each server?
An I also disagree with the_Sage. I tried the Beta with no expectations and I didn't plan to join a MMO, as I don't have time. But SWTOR is so cool, that I got hooked after only a weekend and now have to find some time for it. The combo of Bioware RPG storytelling and MMO is unique and outstanding in my opinion.
Posted by Ravenmore on 2011-12-14 14:51:08
I really disliked SWOTOR.
I mean, it's just WoW with cutscenes. You're still doing silly "kill X stuff" quests just as everyone else in the area. That feels pretty meaningless to me, yupp =).
Posted by Niebling on 2011-12-16 11:03:38
Ravenmore then its not SWTOR you dislike its MMO, that is what MMO are about :)