Posted by blader4411 on 2012-03-24 23:13:22
The name Plasmoid is forever tainted :P
This had better not be implemented.
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2012-03-24 23:31:57
Posted by Calcium on 2012-03-24 23:49:30
'1a. Piling On: Piling On can only be used to reroll the injury roll.'
Intresting, because most half decent clawPOMBers only pile on the injury roll already....I do unless I'm totally on top of my opponent.
Other than that thought, I don't know why Plasmoid's name is crap here to be honest. Having read the rule changes, they don't seem that explosive....I wouldn't mind at least testing them. But as ever, isn't this all a wasted effort when GW aern't intrested in any more change?
Posted by blocknroll on 2012-03-25 00:09:39
more important than half the bbrc (while presumably brushing aside the other half?) would be NAF approval surely?
Posted by Nightbird on 2012-03-25 03:22:29
While not the most popular character round here, (I've no problems w/ him, but don't necessarily agree w/ all his posts) Plasmoid has been playing BB since way before you grew pubes bladder. Go ride a pony or 'something'. =P
Posted by Woodstock on 2012-03-25 03:34:32
Who cares... all these adjustments are based on TT any way. FUMBBL will not use any thing else besides the official rules, and if Christer decided to support a new 'house' ruleset, we can come up with some thing better then there is currently out there....
People like plasmoid, dode, VM and other 'great' figures in the BB scene should play a game or 1000 on fumbbl before they decide to suggest any thing. Because they got no clue on what is wrong with the current rule set...
Posted by Purplegoo on 2012-03-25 08:34:23
To say the rules are 'approved' is really very misleading indeed. Also, the important half?! That's bonkers. They're fine as house rules is as far as they've gone, and they haven't been voted on by the other members who's opinions I value like Paul, probably the strongest coach amongst them, he just keeps quietest. Also, they've disbanded!
I fully accept there are some people who like these rules, and hats off to you, I hope you enjoy them in house ruled leagues. The reception on FUMBBL in two or three threads has been poor.
I, personally, really think they're really rubbish, the overriding theme is really bad for the game. But it doesn't matter what I think, or that you think they're great, they'll never get used.
Look forward to your return, and to by Danish trips, but this is nonsense! ;)
Posted by Purplegoo on 2012-03-25 08:41:05
I blame the decline of TFF for letting him spend so much time on this, he really should have been constructively steered away from it long ago...
So nonsense I commented twice! ;)
Posted by BillBrasky on 2012-03-25 09:08:57
I second Woodstock.
Play a few thousand games, then let's talk.
Posted by koadah on 2012-03-25 09:16:14
I like this term "BBRC Approved". I guess it means something like
"I did look over the roster changes and I'm not against a few of them as we've discussed in the past."
or maybe
"I'd point out I'm not a fan of all the changes since I don't agree with the philosophy of narrowing between tiers."
Posted by Purplegoo on 2012-03-25 09:24:59
'Some parts have been agreed with, many others not by two members of a now defunct committee and unseen and unvoted upon by the rest, oh and by the way, GW have locked the rules, so it's all a bit moot anyway' is somewhat less of a punchy title. ;)
I'm not so much a fan of the attitude you have to have played 1000+ games here before you're allowed an opinion. Especially when rules weren't written for the internet.
Oh well. Enough from me!
Posted by Niebling on 2012-03-25 09:50:31
Good to see all the haters are still here :) it just would not be fumbbl without it ;)
The Problem with the, you have to have played a 1000000 game artuide, is that some people here seem to thick that fumbbl = Blood Bowl and that no other setting matters.
My love is for the game not for this site (i do love this site but for allits done for the game) and the game needs to keep moving on, the rules needs to move A's we All get wiser about whats wrong with the current rule set.
It always been this Way and thats why the rule we have to Day are so great. But we still need to keep changeing them! Even though we are not allowed to do so!!
Posted by Purplegoo on 2012-03-25 10:03:25
That's all well and good (really is my last comment!), but to label these house rules 'approved', talk about an important half of a commitiee, or dismiss all criticism as FUMBBL hate is just as lazy and unfair as some of the comments you have, correctly, had a giggle at. The majority of reasoned opinion I read on these rules is negative, even from the sources you quote to legitimise them!
The moment GW look like allowing a rules revision, hurrah, we'll all get stuck in. I hope they don't look much like this document! You can play whatever house rules you like, but it's important big leagues like FUMBBL maintain the current rule set. There are hundreds of leagues playing hundreds of variants of rules, what I think riles some, perhaps, is the language of officialdom that, incorrectly, followers of this particular set use. After all, they're just house rules, not the official progression of the game. No more, no less!
Posted by Niebling on 2012-03-25 10:28:10
Purplegoo thx for all your constructive comments :) that is what I was hoping for with my blog, I knew I was in for some hate, and there is a reason for the quotation marks around the BBRC ;)
I agree on most of what you say, I dont however agree that we should sit on our hands and wait for GW to approve on rule changes, because that's not going to happen.
We need to move on without them, move on as a community and maybe start calling it Fantasy Football although that would break my heart, but we just might have to go there.
I am also interested in what you hate about Plasmoids house rules? is it the idea itself or the specific rules?
Posted by dode74 on 2012-03-25 10:51:45
"FUMBBL will not use any thing else besides the official rules,"
Apart from TV-matching, that is ;)
"People like plasmoid, dode, VM and other 'great' figures in the BB scene should play a game or 1000 on fumbbl before they decide to suggest any thing. Because they got no clue on what is wrong with the current rule set..."
FUMBBL is NOT the current ruleset - there are known rules issues (e.g. Mercs) as well the HOUSE RULES of TV-matching. To suggest that FUMBBL is the place which arbitrates what is right and wrong with CRP misses (deliberately ignores through a haze of loyalty?) all that is wrong with the (otherwise very good) system which FUMBBL is.
Cyanide is far from perfect, and FUMBBL as a system is better, and closer to CRP than Cyanide, but it's not CRP. Not that there's anything technically wrong with TV-matching, but it may require further house rules to adjust the altered dynamic.
As for "approved", as Purplegoo says, that is misleading. They are a set of house rules which plasmoid asked two ex-BBRC members for some help with: no more and no less.
Posted by Purplegoo on 2012-03-25 11:01:30
I know that you're worldly wise enough to know that on FUMBBL, 90+% of coaches are unaware of BB outside of these four walls, and indeed, will speak their mind in (often) shorthand dismissive comment. Personally, I think that's healthy, rather than the unhealthy, over-modded TFF situation where everyone has to be super-nice to each other, and as such, the inmates rule the asylum and the noise level sky rockets. It's a shame that this discussion was, in part, played out there, because, frankly, the level of intelligent input is never going to be high. With all of that in mind, I just think that we have to be careful with all of our facts so people don't get the wrong impression. Stuff like 'the important half' and 'approved' is always going to get me to bite, because if someone doesn't, we're going to get 5 threads on 'Those TT nerds that never play FUMBBL have ruined the game and changed the rules again!'. Hope you catch my drift. In these four walls, it's nice to be factual. ;)
I don't expect passionate communities like the Danes (and you know what a love the English have for the Danes in TT, you guys are great) to sit on their hands and do nothing. You love the game, you want to contribute, I get all of that. But the idea that you can move the game on in name alone or under a different name without GW backing is just hugely flawed. 1% of TT nerds have heard of these rules. Perhaps only 40% know TFF exists. The official stamp is vital for tabletop BloodBowl in many ways, from the NAF and the dice (whatever people say, you can halve membership overnight if GW pull the plug there) to the rules and everyone knowing where they are in terms of the status quo. House ruled, small leagues (such as MBBL or Danish leagues) can be improved by a membership deciding what is best for them and moving on. We had a bloke in the forum the other week saying his home league thought Slann were too powerful, and nerfed them. Those guys have more fun because of that, you and I think they're mental. :) The damage a rift in the community between ruleset admirers would do may well be irreparable; on FUMBBL (new players to the site may well just go straight away again) or tabletop (the scene is still relatively tiny). Half of the players buggering off with their own ruleset would just about kill off the organised tournaments, forums and love under one banner that stitches us together.
'Hate' is strong. I make a policy of not specifically commenting on the numerous house rules that pass infront of forums, since they're not going to happen here or in leagues / events I play in, and it's a bit of a waste of time arguing over the minutiae of someone else's rules I'm never going to use. However, on this occasion, I fully agree with Galak and Ian (wow – unusual) that the narrowing of the tiers would be just plain awful for BB; it's quintessential for what the game is. Moreover, I think the racial tweaks and rules changes (in the main, there may be two or three I'm fine with) are really very poor, and focussed on teams people are noisy about in forums and not based upon a holistic view of BB across the TV ranges. The very word 'balance' sends shivers through me, and should never, ever be applied to BB.
Martin impresses me with his passion, his drive and his seemingly unending time spent tweaking, running MBBL and answering feedback. But in terms of his rules (forgive the line), he don't impress me (nor a lot of the informed commenters I see post or talk to) much. ;)
Posted by happygrue on 2012-03-25 13:20:51
This is my last comment (Really! Unless I post again).
Niebling, I like your attitude and what you're saying. Specifically, I agree that the rules should be alive, not static as they are now. There are many people who agree, but many who don't. And the purists are loud in threads like this one (about this very topic):
I've read plasmoids' site and it looks interesting. I'd like to give them a try. Then again, I'd like to try a lot of other things too. But given the thread above it seems unlikely to happen here any time soon.
Posted by koadah on 2012-03-25 13:59:02
Even with the quotes "BBRC Approved" still sounds like a huge fib. ;)
Posted by Cloggy on 2012-03-25 14:27:57
I actually do agree with most of the proposed changes, so thumbs up to Plasmoids.
Not that I expect any of them to become relevant for Fumbbl. We're most likely going to continue following only the offcial rules and there's no rules review planned as far as I know.
Posted by Calcium on 2012-03-25 15:12:59
Phew Cloggy, for a second there I thought I was reading a different set of rule changes because of all the negativity surrounding them! None the less an intresting read, as ever Purplegoo constructs and executes a very good argument.
A terrible shame about the rules being frozen, but ho hum...BB and FUMBBL marches on :)
Posted by Niebling on 2012-03-25 17:24:15
I have played actively in every version of the rules we have now, and every time we got a new LRB version I looked back at the old version (after a while) and though, omg did we really have a rule or skill that did that!
If we dont find a way as a community to move the rule along some way, this may be true pressure on GW or something else, BB as we know it will die....not today nor next year but with time.
We need an influx of new teams now and then, new rules new skills to keep it freash to keep it interesting, or in 10 years we will all be bored out of our skulls.
Plasmoid way of fighting this is with his rules and playtest and a lot of work thinking about the game as a hole.
My way would be to encourage everyone to think on how we can accomplish our common goal of keeping bb fun.
Maybe a public pertinence to GW in a few years when this hole cockblock of theres has cooled down may work... I dont know... I just want to be able to have people smarter then me to be able to change the rules for the better.
Posted by Thadrin on 2012-03-25 18:48:44
I think calling these "BBRC approved" or anything similar is an absolute fallacy.
The bulk of the roster tweaks are just what Plasmoid wants to do. More power to him, they're not bad...I wouldn't bother with them though.
The "CRP+" bit at the bottom is what, if I have understood them right, Tom and Ian would like to see TESTED if there were revisions made. The other members of the BBRC have not expressed an opinion or even interest.
Also, I think I'm right in saying, the Bank revision actually was approved by every member of the BBRC except one (whose initials are JJ)...and he had the final say. Really the CRP+ part boils down to some very minor tweaks, with the only major change being to nerf the dreaded CLAPOMB...which is really only considered a problem because of FUMBBL. Number 5 shouldn't even be necessary TBH, seeing as the whole point of Spiralling expenses was that they be tailored to the league they are being used in.
Posted by Corvidius on 2012-03-25 19:58:20
I was going to comment but discovered Purplegoo had already said everything i wanted to. :)
Keeping BB fun - isn't that what all the fun variations already do? Beachbowl, Stunty etc? To my mind they work well because they don't try to replace the rules, they are instead a happy addition. :)
Posted by nin on 2012-03-26 15:43:31
If one of this (like them or not) would be rules designers were to take a moment and think about what is needed to make the rules move and change instead of just devising cartloads of new untested unoficial sujestions...
plasmoid, Galak and the rest stop thinking BBRC has a legitimacy of its own and start looking for it in the fanbase (as they don't have it from GW anymore)
Someone actually comes to Fumbbl with an offer to participate in a project for new rules (excluding this site last time was not a smart move last time imho) and not just imput for HIS ideas.
The project includes help with a testing client (contact Kalimar?). Really, online playtest is awesome, thorough and fast.
Several fan groups (not just one guy) (Fumbbl, BBRC, NAF, whatever...) agree on the project of a new, independet ruleset. Probably with two small groups, ne for rules desing and another one for actually aproving the rules.
Posted by sann0638 on 2012-03-26 19:19:15
"We need an influx of new teams now and then, new rules new skills to keep it freash to keep it interesting, or in 10 years we will all be bored out of our skulls."
I'm personally really enjoying the uber-knight in chess who can make two moves at once, and the "3-dice" booster in backgammon.
Posted by Thadrin on 2012-03-26 20:12:12
Nin - just FYI:
FUMBBL data was heavily used in the transition between LRB4 and LRB5. There was never any LRB5 FUMBBL so there was no way to use it for testing pre-LRB6 (which became CRP), the tweaks of which were minor anyway. So FUMBBL absolutely WAS involved in the playtesting of the current rule set, and any exclusion was based purely on the fact that it took a very long time to get the client changed, because 4 to 5 was a fairly major shift...a change for the better IMO, even though there are many here who disagree (hell, there are still people playing straight 3rd edition).
Also, if you'd read my post or any of the discussions on TFF (here too? no idea TBH) you'd know that Tom and Ian would like to TEST these ideas. These are suggestions, not rulings. Plasmoid is apparently testing them, and I think there are other leagues doing so. Some of them are on FUMBBL if I have understood correctly.
A new, independent ruleset would get hit with a C&D from GW faster than you can say "support the bloody game yourselves then".
Posted by nin on 2012-03-26 21:12:27
There are allready enought Forum threads here on this issue to fill a book and I'm ashamed to say I joined quite a few.
Then, if you go there reading some of them, you'll see that many coaches here blame the BBRC with that awfull sin of ignoring Fumbbl.
That may be false.
But if you dig a bit, you can read how plasmoid and/or Galak argument that:
a) the BBRC didn't liked lrb4, so they worked with previous editions in mind and playtest data latter.
b) since Fumbbl was mostly lrb4, almost all the ideas here were speculations
That might be the right decision. But still means that opinions from coaches with thousands of matches played here were excluded.
And may be false too.
First problem I see is there were loads of data about lrb4 and little from previous editions to begging with.
Second is that, then GW gave support to BBRC, and now it doesn't. So why is anyone going to pay attention to their changes? That's the "legitimacy from the fanbase" part.
How? Don't know, but may be calling at every fan's door or may be trying to gather support from various large BloodBowl comunities. And here that would meant including at least someone from Fumbbl in the decision making (not just sugesting their changes on the forum)
The flames they usually get in this forum, it's a shame. May be they don't come back. But playing some games here could help too.
Ah, legal matters, true, then what was this discusion about? May be Purplegoo is right (wow, a Fumbbl coach hits the point? weird) and it's about nothing because a good unoficial ruleset would criple the game.
Posted by koadah on 2012-03-27 13:03:44
Thw whole 'ignoring fumbbl' thing seems a bit silly IMO.
Fumbbl coaches had their say and as mentioned above there was no client to really test the new rules. Now that we actually have the client the Box data still pretty much falls within the BBRC goals.
The Commish's word is law. Christer/Kalimar can implement whatever house rules they like. We already have some in the League division.
It's a fair bet though that anything more than the smallest change they apply to Ranked or Box will cause almost as much (if not more) whinging, whining and moaning than we have now. :twisted: