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Last seen 17 weeks ago
Win Percentage


2020-07-20 15:22:29
rating 5.8


2016-12-01 03:56:43
rating 5.3
2016-10-18 16:03:36
rating 5.1
2016-09-08 23:33:22
rating 6
2016-04-11 22:35:10
rating 4.7
2016-03-08 18:13:28
rating 5.6
2016-01-17 18:54:55
rating 5.8
2016-01-11 19:46:47
rating 4.7



2013-08-09 19:05:35
rating 4
2013-07-09 18:57:32
rating 4.2


2012-09-16 00:00:37
rating 3.4
2012-09-07 04:44:53
rating 2.3
2012-09-07 04:44:53
12 votes, rating 2.3
First Legend
just got my first ever legend, this guy http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=8786788

Just a vulgar killing machine full of injuries, but yet a guy with a heart of gold, it was a pleasure to coach him.

He will probably die very soon, leaving the team without a proper killer, but that's life and now it's time to cheer this goal.

Thanks to all the players who helped his growth, by dying under his claws.
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Posted by Ranensol on 2012-09-07 11:44:36
Not sure what the down votes are for, 6 as gratz for getting your first legend :)
Posted by harvestmouse on 2012-09-07 12:46:11
I would hazard guess that it's because he's a clawpomb.

Basically if you make claw pombers as protocol, and you play enough games with the team, you will get legends.
Posted by MattDakka on 2012-09-07 12:51:03
Oh, a clawpomber legend... a rare sight in these days.
Posted by Uedder on 2012-09-07 19:48:35
I know ppl don't like killing machines, but i just don't get why.
Sure i would've loved to get this player http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=8786790 as the first legend, but he died by a clawpomb. Maybe ppl would like that moar. Just happened that the killer survived way more hits than the statfreak.
Guess that's just life, and death, in the box.

Posted by harvestmouse on 2012-09-08 00:08:34
You don't get why?
1. They've helped kill the game.
2. They aren't particularly hard to get to legend level.
3. They're helping to destroy the environment they're in (blackbox).
4. You don't need any skill to use them.
5. Generally (your team is an exception) they're on teams that take advantage of weakened teams and new coaches.

There are probably more reasons, that I haven't listed. Now if all the nega voters actually looked at your team before voting, not just the lame-o player, you might have got a higher score, as the team I admire a fair bit.
Posted by Uedder on 2012-09-08 01:28:31
Thanks harvestmouse for the post. I don't think clawpombers ruined the game, coaches do. It's like saying that guns don't kill ppl, ppl kill ppl. I've read a long dated post about fouling in lrb4 and i think that was spot-on.

Anyway the post wasn't to discuss the player (as i said a vulgar killing machine) but to cheer on a little goal a coach (me) sets to himself when getting on fumbbl.
Maybe it's true that it's not that difficult to get a clawpomber to legend, i just think that if the previously cited ...Jonni (statfreak) had gotten the same cas-apo results of Litto (clawpomber), instead of double dying on the first cas roll, he'd probably reach the legend rank way before his team-mate.

Just a consideration, why would've a statfreak legend be cool and the clawpomber is lame-o? Cause they had better skill rolls?
Sure it's more fun to watch and grow such a player, but again as i said, it's not a post to say "here's my very cool player, he's a legend, now all surrender to his coolness" but "hey, i actually got a player to survive until he reached legend!".

Not like i care a lot about the rating, it just feels strange to get booo'ed from the community for that, i mean, why? I just don't get that.

Posted by Uedder on 2012-09-08 01:33:35
Oh, and btw thanks for the considration on the team =) I have fun playing with them and like the fluff around them
Posted by harvestmouse on 2012-09-08 07:10:01
Well I did say 'helped' ruin the game, there are various aspects of the current ruleset that are not up to par.....or worse than what we had for a perpetual environment.

LRB 4 fouling was generally overrated, sure we all hated it when joining the site, and a little disgusted by coaches that relied heavily on it, but you got used to it, and soon learnt to use the mechanic to your advantage. '4 fouling' had a balance that various tactical counters (unless a foul heavy coach got get the ref, which was terribly broken), however clawpomb has no effective counter measure.

As for why you'd have got a better mark if your stat freak got to legend first, I think you kind of answered that yourself. Now as I said, I doubt many looked at your team, so most of the nega voters saw 'clawpomb' saw 'pact' and thought 'min maxed pact box team full of clawpombers'. So if this one didn't become a legend, the one 40 SPP down will next week.

Now if/when Litto dies and you continue with running 1 claw pomber policy. Where do you think your next legend will come from? Will it be a stat freak or a clawpomber? Smart money would be heavily on your next clawpomber, unless you only score with 1 player. So if say your stat freak did reach legend status, I would presume your score would have been higher, because he is a much rarer site.

Which is another problem with this ruleset, in that coaches can and do favour SPPing the same players all the time, rather than having a balanced squad like in 4.