I recently started a new human team. An experiment with 4 catchers. It has been all pretty awesome and also the winning record was more than i would've expected with 3-0-1.
Then I met a team made of small menS. A team hitting the 400 games. For every game we had, they had 100. They bashed us. Badly. We entered the second half with 5 men. True men. Not small menS. And they brought it all. Oh they did it!
Fans began the slaughter, throwing 2 rocks. The first one was just double stun. I told them to kill the small menS, not me. And so they did. Next kick another rock comes, and splotch! Killed a small guard (apo fail).
Then Captain Tray dodged in TZ and 1 die blitzed a dark Elf renegade. Both down. RR. Pow/Push. Splotch. 2 small menS in the killed box.
We even (down to 4 men I guess) got the ball and tried to score, but my guys didn't really care about it.
They wanted the BLOOD. Ray "Sugar" Volantis openly challanged Smell (a vicious small clawpomber) to a personal challenge. Smell was afraid and tried to run away from the frenzied Catcher, but Ray was just too fast. He charged in, hitting a -2db AAAND... he knocked himself over, he layed stunned on the pitch, thinking how to get his revenge.
Turns later the Vile Clawpomber piles on, doing no harm to our kicker Jack "Gambler" Guarente. There Ray saw his chance, he ran through the pitch to help the foul, as "the Gambler" gave the boot, with the run-up. Bill Brasky style. And Splotch! Another small man in the grave.
A ST4 dodge marauder was also casd'd, failing a gfi. It was our effort to jinx him that made him crash.
Not satisfied we set up on the los for yet another time. Turn 16. Another boot by "the gambler", another run-up. Another Cas. Guess kick really helps on fouls.
We lost (badly), but it felt like a win. The Horde of Degenerates lives up to its name.