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Last seen 5 days ago
Verminardo (21235)
Super Star
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2021-12-28 23:35:35
rating 6


2020-06-16 13:17:34
rating 5.5


2018-10-15 09:12:50
rating 6
2018-10-07 22:15:16
rating 5.9
2018-08-10 17:44:42
rating 5.5


2017-03-01 11:39:52
rating 5.7
2017-01-02 11:59:11
rating 5.7


2016-06-05 21:11:31
rating 5.5
2016-01-12 10:29:29
rating 4.9


2015-09-27 16:55:14
rating 4.6
2015-05-31 12:23:07
rating 5.6
2015-04-26 11:38:09
rating 5.3
2015-04-21 16:45:07
rating 6
2015-01-04 09:00:09
rating 6


2014-08-07 12:34:11
rating 5.9
2014-02-28 12:28:13
rating 5.7
2014-01-15 11:29:02
rating 6


2013-11-22 11:03:00
rating 5.2
2013-10-29 10:40:26
rating 5
2013-10-21 14:48:23
rating 4.7
2013-09-30 19:27:17
rating 5.4
2013-06-27 16:20:51
rating 5.4
2013-06-23 11:30:28
rating 3.3
2013-01-29 22:56:02
rating 5


2012-12-17 00:00:25
rating 5.1
2012-11-20 10:43:16
rating 5.5
2014-01-15 11:29:02
5 votes, rating 6
Tabletop Frustration!
Last year at my local role-playing convention, NordCon, which at some point boasted more than 7,000 visitors, claiming to be Europe's largest event of the kind, there was also a table top Blood Bowl tourney. I didn't play then because much as I like Blood Bowl, I am originally and foremost a pen & paper role-player and so I wanted to play P&P at the Con. However, when my game wrapped up, I did spec a bit at the Blood Bowl tourney and next thing I know, I'm ordering some miniatures from GW!

So ever since, I've been looking forward to playing in this year's tourney. Last year they played on Sunday, so that would have left me enough time to play P&P Friday evening and Saturday. The teams were 1,000k and skilled for another 190k, so I've been mulling over what players and skills to bring. I've been painting minis (well, what I call painting anyway) and I've been pretty excited about getting back into table top. When last I played at an actual board, I had an Ogre that covered 4 squares, you know…

So yesterday I looked at the updated convention homepage and what is it they are announcing? Firstly, the tourney is Friday night now, starting at 22:00 and going on into Saturday morning. I get up at 6:00 on a Friday and I work until 18:00 so at the time I'd be setting up for my third match I'd be asleep in my chair and, assuming I got to play a fourth match (final or small final), by that time I'd probably be dead. What kind of schedule is this? Do they assume only students and unemployed people play Blood Bowl?

And secondly, they are not playing normal Blood Bowl at all, they are playing NCBBL Beach Bowl, which is BB7 with a custom (smaller) board, less turns and a complete set of custom rules (I just skimmed through the 24 page document and it is really completely custom, custom weather, custom rosters, modified armour and injury rolls, no secret weapons, etc. etc.) I've never played BB7 let alone Beach Bowl and I don't much fancy to. I mean, I get that the matches won't take as long as "real" Blood Bowl matches but it's just not the real thing and players who haven't played this version before will be at a ridiculous disadvantage.

So, yeah, no table top at the Con for me this year. Just needed to vent my frustration.
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Posted by bghandras on 2014-01-15 11:34:00
Beachbowl could be awesome. I played a version before. Can you please link it to me?
Posted by Verminardo on 2014-01-15 11:42:21
It is available in German only: www.cocktails-paradies.de/bb/regeln/BeachChallenge1-0.doc

I don't have first hand experience but it is obviously a very different game. For example, with the custom board, any MA8 player is a natural one-turner.
Posted by Purplegoo on 2014-01-15 11:43:22
That sounds rubbish.

There are a number of good BB tournaments in Germany (real ones). I suggest you check one out!
Posted by bghandras on 2014-01-15 11:54:37
There is no GFI, so assumption is wrong about 1 turners.
Posted by the_Sage on 2014-01-15 11:55:18
Sucks. Just enjoy the con and then find some other BB tourneys. =)
Posted by Verminardo on 2014-01-15 11:56:23
Thanks for the sympathy!

@ Bghandras: Ah ok, that makes sense.

@ Purplegoo: A quick Google search reveals a couple of leagues in my region but no tourneys except for the one at NordCon. Do you have anything specific in mind?
Posted by Rabe on 2014-01-15 11:58:05
No GFIs? When exactly are players supposed to die miserably and unnecessarily?!

At least the Con should still be great for P&P-ing, so have fun with that. :-)

Maybe we can arrange some TT meeting with FUMBBL coaches in Hamburg one day? There should be a few of them...
Posted by Verminardo on 2014-01-15 12:02:19
Yeah Rabe, that would be cool! I guess I might be able to tempt Kaenthos out of his LoL-induced retirement for a game or two... with him being rusty we might even stand a chance! ;)
Posted by Rabe on 2014-01-15 12:12:42
And no one tells us not to use exactly the tournament rules you were looking forward to play with. :-) Makes a one-off event more interesting anyway.

If we'd have to use painted minis, it'll be a long time from now though. :-P

(But then again, it might give me an incentive to finally start painting them...)
Posted by bghandras on 2014-01-15 12:23:10
I am fine with those beach ball rules. Most important differences:
1. No GFI
2. -1 for all armor
3. -1 on all injury rolls
4. Half-positionals rounded up (rounding up for big guys mostly)
5. Maximum 11 players.
6. Half the usable rerolls that you bough. So if you want 2, then you have to buy 4. (I guess this is the fix so that they don't need to change the starting gold of 1 million.)
7. Funny new weathers and funny new events. (Throw a sangria-cup instead of throw a rock for example, which KO's a player - not be hitting, but because he drinks is.)
Posted by bghandras on 2014-01-15 12:25:23
Ah, and the rosters are Lrb5. So no runner or Norse, but passer, and wood elf catcher with movement 9. etc.
Posted by Verminardo on 2014-01-15 12:27:01
On the NordCon page it says that teams are 720k, though that might be a special rule for the tourney.

There are also some other differences to the rosters, e.g. Dwarves get an Ogre.
Posted by Purplegoo on 2014-01-15 12:30:32
Verminado, look up future tournaments on the NAF site or contact your NTO, Mootaz.

There will be loads. Dungeonbowl, Dusseldorf March for starters.

I'm considering starting a TT tournament thread this weekend where we can list these things on FUMBBL.
Posted by Roland on 2014-01-15 13:43:03
dorfs with ogre?
Posted by keggiemckill on 2014-01-15 15:59:31
Call into work Sick on the Friday. Sleep during the day, play at night. If you are going to start playing TT, you need to become more hardcore. :)
Posted by lizvis on 2014-01-15 16:32:26
Posted by jarvis_pants on 2014-01-15 16:33:17
the good news is bb7's are fast games so shouldnt run too late into the next morning
Posted by xnoelx on 2014-01-15 16:45:20
Another place to check for tourneys is at tff: http://www.talkfantasyfootball.org/viewforum.php?f=60
Posted by Verminardo on 2014-01-15 17:09:45
Thanks for the hints, the English language sites actually have better information on tourneys in Germany than any German language site, who would have thought? There are a couple of interesting entries though all of them would require me to stay overnight. Probably not this year, then, as our 2nd child will be born in April/May, but next year could work! Might even do Amsterdam or Copenhagen...
Posted by mister__joshua on 2014-01-15 17:20:12
What PnP are you playing then?
Posted by DatMonsta on 2014-01-15 18:47:48
Hey Verminardo!

Count me in when the germans meet, i got some more guys who might be interested. But pls no painted teams... i could only join with orcs :-)
Just right me a pm if you really wanna start this.
Posted by Verminardo on 2014-01-16 13:58:17
@ DatMonsta: Will do! :D

@ mister_joshua: Unfortunately I don't get to play regularly so it's just one-shots with various systems, most of them indie. Among the games I've enjoyed within the last year or am going to play next month, I count FATE, Savage Worlds, Warhammer 2nd, Star Wars Edge of the Empire, Cthulhu Dark, Airship Pirates, PDQ#, Dread, Forsooth!, The Shadow of Yesterday, Monster of the Week, Danger Zone, and BARBAREN!

The last two are written by yours truly though I hesitate to mention "Danger Zone" on Fumbbl. :P At any rate it's not out yet, but you can check out BARBAREN! on Drive Thru RPG if you like: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/93796/BARBAREN-%28English%29?filters=0_0_0_0_40050

I also played The Drifter's Escape, and Pathfinder via Skype with Map Tool a couple of times, but I didn't enjoy those.