“What's up with you?“ screamed the coach. „Can't you play a single friendly match without getting yourselves killed or crippled?“ The players shifted uneasily on their feet. „And you!“ Foaming, he stabbed an angry finger at Prue. „I was only keeping you around for as long as it should have taken me to train another Wardancer to veteran level. It should have been you! Why couldn't it have been you to die out there, instead of a player that still had a future?“
Ice-cold fury rose in her eyes, matching his own and exceeding it, sending a chill down his spine. „If that is the way you would have it, I shall get you rid of me. Come sister, let us be gone.“
Phoebe rose to her feet. „What are we waiting for?“ she smiled, cruelly, as she watched the coach's shoulders sag.
„No, not you“, he whispered. „You are the only one on the sorry ruins of this team making it worth the rebuild!“
„Let it be a lesson to you“, Prue hissed, and the sisters stalked out of the locker room.
„Wait“, someone cried feebly. „Don't leave us! We are bound for eight more matches still!“ But the answer was only silence. The coach dropped heavily on the bench, burrying his face in his arms.
Had to fluff this up, couldn't get over it otherwise! What really happened was I misclicked with the retirement. Note to self (and everybody else): Check double and thrice you got the right player! Admins don't do unretirement (they do sympathetic replies, though). Anyway, this puts me in a sore spot. I don't have the opportunity to play all that many games on Fumbbl so I want to put them to good use.
Walpurgis 2 are now down to 6 players (1 WD, 1 Catcher, 4 Linos), no stats, one double, 50k cash. So obviously starting with a new Wood Elf team would be more efficient.
On the other hand, even though they only have 41 games, they are still my oldest team in both Ranked and Box, ever. They've played in 5 tourneys, 3 of them Majors, and have reached two finals. They are the only one of my teams that anyone on Fumbbl might actually have heard of. Besides, according to their fluff, they were bound to dance for seven times seven matches. So I guess I'll have to stick it out a little longer, try to get them back in shape. Looks far less promising (and fun) than one game ago...
And I have a problem. The Halliwell sisters aren't playing for me any more, at least for the time being. So what other little witches could I recruit from pop culture? Let me know in the comments!