Hey Fumbbl, this is my one thousand matches blog! I had thought about doing something special for the big one but then I wanted to get on with my Blackbox Trophy games so I just activated, and drew
Humans with my Khemri. Pretty unspectacular 1-1, nothing to see here, move along, move along. ;-)
It’s taken me more than 12 years to complete these 1k matches, with several longer breaks in between. Leagues, official tourneys, NAF online, meta groups and meta events, I've done my share of all of them. The division I played in most is Blackbox (406), the roster I played most accross rules sets and divisions is Dark Elves (231). The only rosters I didn't play at all are Amazons, Chaos Pact, and Nurgle. My overall win rate was 63%. But enough of the retrospective already, if you want to see me brag go to my profile. Instead, I want to give a shout out to all the coaches who have been part of my journey, and who are the main reason I’m still around.
- DeadOperator, Dorin, Impotep_II., sikko, ZeZe and everybody at Fastgamers Club, the league that brought me back to Fumbbl and made me want to actually learn to play Blood Bowl properly.
- Kaenthos, with whom many a coffee break at work was filled with Blood Bowl philosophy, and who taught me a thing or two about the game.
- cdassak, Harad, mister__joshua, Rabe, the_bursar and Throweck, with whom I have raced for titles and debated many a fine point of tactics and strategy over the years.
- PainState, for Milford and the Picker’s Challenge.
- sonrises and SzieberthAdam for the TOP25 / SR Rankings.
- Purplegoo, for introducing the NAF Online events, for his table top tourney blogs (which got me to dabble in table top a bit myself), and for being the voice of reason on the forums with seemingly endless patience.
- Throweck, morehouse and PurpleChest for their excellent Fumbbl podcasts and Major commentary.
- Christer, for all the hard work and money put into Fumbbl, and for being such an open minded and nice guy.
- YOU reading this and everyone who has been a really fun and sporting opponent over these 1k, the vast majority qualify.
Thanks for reading this, and now let’s go and play some Blood Bowl! I have 140 matches left to finish the Box Trophy…