Facing off against Beerox now in a ranked game, it was a wild ride as my first game play Norse. I learned a few things, primarily that Norse can dish it out pretty bad (as evidence with the two serious injuries, one to his wight), but Norse can not take any abuse. At one point i have a BH and 5 guys KOed. I benefited from score very late in the first half and then getting that kick off and a turn later a second kick off which returned all but one KOed guy. I would need this as my Norse kept dropping like flies in the second half. Basically I just tried to slow him down, knock the ball to the ground because Undead picking up the ball can give people fits.
I bought an Apotho with the winnings and desperately need to make at least 50k next match to get me an all important reserve player.
Side note: Frenzy on an new player is a cursed skill, you REALLY need to plan out your blocks and make sure not only will you have a good block on your first attempted, but if you push back and have to block again, your second block isn't horrendous. Half of the absurd number of re rolls this team has goes to covering for my Blitzer's ill planned out frenzy blocks. I can imagine him with a STR +1 or dodge would make him much more effective.