So I have played as and against a lot of undead teams so far, and I have to admit, the play style appeals to me, slow, defensive, and on the ground. But my undead teams always seem a little soft around the edges and brittle in the middle. So I figured, let’s give Khemri a try, and so far, I am a fan of the race. I can’t say enough about having four big men without all the negative traits that go along with big men. Wild Animal has to be one of the worst traits in the game (played against lot of rat ogres lately as well). Four mummies lay down the smack like nothing else in this game. But I have learned a common misconception about Khemri, it’s not an easy race to play, in fact, I find it one of the most challenging.
Positional play is everything with this race, if you set up or move out of position, your done, no one on the team has any kind of speed to recover from even the non fruity races. While mummies are the bomb, they are slow, and when they get out of position, it takes a while to get them back to where they need to be. Besides the mummy, pretty much every other player on your team stinks, yeah the blitz-ra has block and an AV8, but he can’t handle the ball effective from the beginning (AG2) so you need to count on some CAS spps or the rare TD to develop them to have either sure hands or ::nuffle be praised:: AG+1. So you need to be very careful how you set up, overlapping tackle zones are a must and not over committing when the opposing team tries to run it up the side. You can easily switch directions on Khemri and 75% of their team won’t be able to catch you.
When kicking off, I pretty much leave everyone but the mummies hanging back, and I wait for them to commit to a cage or side before I move it. All the while the mummies concentrate on skill positions, trying to even the respective skill level between players. Once I have a bead on the ball carrier, I try to swarm him not for the assists, but for the chance to pick up the ball. You see, here is the Achilles heel of the Khemri, PICKING UP THE DANG BALL, so if I can block anyone into the ball, or push the ball towards a Khemri player, I am going to, it’s a free chance to take my AG 2 roll to pick up the ball without a turn ending, take advantage of as many free chances to pick up a loose ball as you can so you don’t have to burn all your rerolls. If I am blessed by nuffle to be able to pick up the ball, then I form as strong a cage as possible with nearby mummies.
On offense, I try to have the Throw-ra pick up the ball for the simple fact of sure hands giving me two tries, but making sure I have several players around as it can easily take two or more turns to actually pick up the thing. The key to remember is to plan out how many turns you have and how fast you have to go to score by turn 8. The reason for this is that you HAVE to have mummies in your cage, a cage made of AV7 skeletons is about as useful as a second butthole. Not to mention that your ball carrier, the throw-ra is about as tough as a pixie with two broken arms, he will go down fast to pretty much anything that blocks him, you can’t let anyone take a shot at him. So you move slowly, WITH the mummies, crushing everything in your way. DO NOT SPRINT FOR IT, don’t make a run for it past your cage, stay in your cage always unless you are SURE you can score and SURE that someone cannot reach you even using sprint. Because once you drop that puppy, you probably ain’t getting it back again. You aren’t going to score a lot with this team, it’s just not that kind of race. If you complete a pass it’s by sheer luck, don’t try it or count on it unless it’s the turn before a half.
I can see in the long run how this team is a fun starter but like a carton of eggs left in the sun it does not age well. SPP are going to be hard to come by with little scoring, skellies aren’t really great for developmental purposes. Now if nuffle was to see fit to give me back to back AG +1 on a blitz-ra, well, then my Khemri could become a power house.
All in all I am enjoying this race but it’s clear their limited possibilities for high level play.