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rating 2.3
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rating 6




2011-11-03 19:07:05
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rating 2.4
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rating 3.1


2009-12-21 21:02:05
rating 3.8
2009-05-13 21:39:15
rating 1.6
2015-10-14 15:17:39
13 votes, rating 1
XFL BOX steals 2 tournament wins from Ranked
A Box team wins the XFL Chaos Pact and only Box teams are left in the XFL Nurgle Semifinals.
SURPRISE, SURPRISE!!! No. No surprise.
Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows the Box teams enter these tournaments with a HUGE ADVANTAGE over Ranked teams.
Anyone except for the guy that stole the XFL Tournaments from Ranked to expand the Box.

Sure the runner-up of XFL Chaos Pact was from Ranked. But look closer.
Both teams on that side of the Semifinals were Ranked teams.
Neither of those 2 teams played a Box team with more than 4 games played.
That means those Box teams had not yet utilized the otherwise HUGE ADVANTAGE of availability of games.
Nor had they been able to develop their team in an environment where getting future games influences skill choice.

These are the 1st 2 tournaments to fall victim to this invasion of Ranked.
The 1st 2 Ranked Laurels usurped by teams from a less popular division. But not the last.
Box is here to permanently steal from the best reasons there are to play in Ranked.
Rate this entry
Posted by Throweck on 2015-10-14 15:36:08
Boxers will rank this 1, Rankers will rate this 6.

Personally, I think it needs time. Two races built for bash are going to be heavier in the box due to the environment. If the Woodie XFL leans to a box win, would there still be a cry of unfairness? Perhaps. But let's wait and see before we all get our knickers in a twist.

This blog will entertain me for a while I guess.

Without getting into a Ranked v Box debate, I can see what you are saying Catalyst, but it will need a whole cycle before anyone can see any real impact of the tournament changes.

It will be interesting to see the developments :)
Posted by Cloggy on 2015-10-14 15:42:46
Why would people who play [R]anked rate this a 6? I play [R]anked 100% and I strongly support the decision we made to open the tournament to both divisions.

I have said it befor eduring this debate, but I will repeat myself one more time. There is NO DIFFERENCE between the big bad bashers in Ranked and the big bad bashers in the Box, except for the fact that those in Ranked seem to dislike playing vs stuff that can fight back, so they did not join the XFL.

The two remaining Nurgle teams in XFL have three Clawpomb players between them. That makes them pretty much pascifists compared to the Nurg teams I recently saw competing in the Lustrian Challenge.

Pact had a R vs B final where the winners from Box had 0 clawpomb while the losers from Ranked started the tournament with TWO clawpombers.

You really need to check your facts before coming out with broad sweeping statements like this. You are simply...........



Posted by Throweck on 2015-10-14 15:49:15
Fair point Cloggy, it was a generalisation. I perhaps used the wrong groups. My point was that the ratings of this blog would be polarised. People seem to be either for the merger (I am) or against it.
Posted by p4m on 2015-10-14 15:50:48
i like the fact i was able to use a Boxteam that was in dead spot cos i don't play Box anymore... :)
Posted by Cloggy on 2015-10-14 15:57:01
Only the first sentence was aimed at you Throweck :)

All the rest at Catalyst who applied for XFL Pact while knowing full well that the merge had taken place, then refused to play his game when he did not like the opposition he would face and has been spreading negativity about XFL ever since.
Posted by Throweck on 2015-10-14 16:00:46
Ah, OK. That makes a lot more sense :)
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2015-10-14 16:01:09
I think everyone will rate this a 1 as it's so wrong it hurts :D
Posted by cdassak on 2015-10-14 16:16:30
Catalyst32 has been quite vocal against the merge from day 1, so he just waited for the first 'convenient' results (not even waiting for a full circle) to re-present his case in dramatic fashion ('the guy that stole the XFL Tournaments from Ranked', 'to fall victim to this invasion', 'Ranked Laurels usurped by teams from a less popular division').
For me merging is just common sense, don't know how and why the XFL started as just R but merging catches the true spirit of the tourney, which is to determine the champion of a Race
Posted by Dominik on 2015-10-14 16:23:23
And I am unsure which lf my two Nurgle teams will participate in the FUMBBL Cup despite saying otherwise in the thread.
Posted by Sammler_der_Seelen on 2015-10-14 18:05:53
Im not a big fan of Box currently,but thats only a personel opinon.in long term i think it was a good choice to merge box and ranked for such tournaments like xfl or fumbble cup.for other majors im not sure about that.
For the xfl pact case,you could spec the replay and see that the loosing ranked team has given up in turn 6 first half.that was just a free win and first time i have seen that ever in a final.
Posted by easilyamused on 2015-10-15 17:45:01
How did I miss this blog?

Quick, tell me again how I've ruined tournaments :)
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2015-10-16 07:27:28
1st off Cloggy I DID NOT KNOW the XFLs were being changed over with only 6 games left in the cycle. I am a very busy man these days. I was only able to access the site a few times a week and I didn't want to miss what I thought would be THE LAST legitimate XFL Chaos Pact before the CRAPPY new format took place.
The announcement it was "coming" was 2 weeks before the Tournament Draw... the annoncement it was going to be "effective immediately" came at least a week later during a week that I was only free long enough to Log In and Apply.

As for my refusal to play the game. That is my choice. I would have faced ANY Ranked team. I thought I would be playing against Ranked teams.

I was wrong... but unwilling to give up my stance and unwilling to participate in this newly HIJACKED tournament. I accepted my punishment of a Tournament Ban and moved on. And I will continue to spread negativity of the totally UNFAIR takeover of Ranked Tournaments by Box teams whenever it please me.

I happen to be RIGHT when it comes to my position here... and anyone willing to bother to understand my position damn well knows it.
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2015-10-16 07:34:40
CDASSAK... It is not convenient and does not need to go a full cycyle. It is precisely with the CLPOMB Basher Teams where the Tournament has gone wrong. That is where the Box Teams gain every possible advatage and access to a place they do not deserve to enter.

I seriously doubt anyone is worried about the way XFL Wood Elf is going to be affected by a few extra teams joining from the BOX. I am not complaining about the Elves, or the Stunty Teams. The worst this does is make it harder to win an XFL by making those low AV teams have to surive a few more rounds. But then ALL of them suffer the same penalty.

But BOX teams can get games AT WILL if the coach lives in (or can play during) PEAK European Time Zones. Ranked Teams that have risen to the point where they COULD ACTUALLY COMPETE TO WIN an XFL have a harder time finding games (even if the Coach is willing to take on all comers). And the teams that suffer from this lack of willing opponents the most are the Basher Teams... the CLPOMB Basher teams more than the others.
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2015-10-16 07:39:51
easilyamused... Of all the things you did THE WORST was not allowing the final 6 races of the current XFL Cycle to finish out. Especially since 3 of them are CHAOS, CHAOS PACT and NURGLE.

How will that imbalance the XFL Masters?
You don't know. You didn't think that far ahead.

You just decided you and other BOX coaches should get MORE and that it should come at the expense of Ranked coaches. You dropped a turd in our Blood Bowl for your own selfish reasons. And you have robbed ME PERSONALLY of the aspect of this site I loved most.
Posted by easilyamused on 2015-10-16 12:08:22
Come on now Catalyst32, have you even looked at where I play most of my games?

It's in R.

Want to know what the main difference between us is though? I'm not scared of box teams. I have no attachment to my pixels. I will quite happily sacrifice a stat freak if it wins me the game.

The way I see it is if I want to say I an the best at playing a particular race, which is what the XFL is all about, then I need to play against all comers. Not just say "I don't want to play him, he's scary. I'll take that team, it looks soft"

I'm sorry I ruined your fun, but believe it or not I'm more focused on the fun of the community as a whole rather than 1 person.

If you don't want to play in the XFL, fine. Play, don't play, it really doesn't make a blind bit of difference to me.

But please, start acting like an adult, don't throw your toys out of the pram and whine just because you can't have things your own way
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2015-10-18 07:35:55
The difference betwen us is your shitty ideas become the rules and mine don't.

I am not scared of Box teams. But I am not throwing away all of the work it took to build a team in the limitations of Ranked to face an unbalanced game. I play tons of tournaments against "all comers". I often post a team to gamefinder willing to accept ANY match offered.

I WISH I could play in the Box more often... but there are never any draws to be had when I check it. The few games I have had there were mainly in the early days when everyone flocked to the SHINY NEW TOY. Since the crowds have diead down so have the potential games there (at least during the times I can play).

I WOULD have played the XFL Wood Elf and maybe the Skaven too IF I weren't banned for refusing to play in XFL Chaos Pact. My 1st opponent was EXACTLY the difference between the advantages I am talking about with a Box Built Team and a Ranked Built Team. It was not a FAIR MATCH. It was not even close to being a FAIR MATCH. And THAT is what RANKED is all about... 2 coaches choosing what they are each willing to call a FAIR MATCH.

Box fairness is all about TV Matching. That game would not have been acceptable in the Box and no Ranked coach would have played against that boring cookie-cutter, min-max, piece-of-crap team either... giving up inducements to a team designed to rip their team to bits.

Furthermore, I will act the way I want to. I am going to point out what you have done over and over to illustrate how short-sighted and reckless your decision was and it is my right to do so. The facts will bear out that I am right about the results of what you have done. It is SO EASY for you to patronize from your position on high wherein whatever you say goes. While here I am getting pissed on by your majesty while you tell me it is only raining.
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2021-07-20 02:06:18
And no reply because I won the debate.