Posted by Habeli on 2023-03-15 07:02:01
I too had some tough times (including 3x pneumonia also) which ended in a set of surgeries five years back, which included splitting my abs three times in a year. It took a few months to get back to work(s) and finish my degree. Then a few years to make the first sit up properly controlled and yesterday I managed to do a sideways tilted reverse sit up (not sure, if its the right term =D) fully controlled, like snail pace.
It has been a long and frustrating way to get back to "normal life" with the covid etc. and I sincerely hope the best for you and your comeback.
Posted by SanKuKai on 2023-03-15 07:32:24
Take Care mates, no pneumonia here but a Big bunch of humanity...
Posted by Balle2000 on 2023-03-15 13:27:57
Holy mackerel, you've been through the tumble dryer! Here, take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Posted by JackassRampant on 2023-03-16 02:55:01
I wet mad in 2019, totally lost all control of my faculties, like if I'd killed someone I'd have had a legit insanity defense, ended up in the asylum. Took about 4 months to get my senses back, still haven't fully recovered. Yikes, though, you've been through the ringer worse than me.
Posted by Macavity on 2023-03-16 21:04:50
Things are all awhirl with me. Father's Alzheimer's is full blown now, kid's activities taking more time and budget, in-law's feuding. Got promoted so work is.... mostly less fun but finances a bit more stable. Wife finally getting an MRI for debilitating migraines this weekend.
But I'm really content! Started meeting with some guys once a week to talk about whatever, and my marriage seems to just keep getting stronger/better. I have also decided to throw my hat in for the next election, so that will be.... something.
Take care of yourself, friend!