Posted by tussock on 2021-08-12 04:26:22
Posted by grant85 on 2021-08-13 04:13:30
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2021-08-13 04:23:06
Thanks tussock.
Knowing what the Stars are now (and re-evaluating what I had added to the cart) helped me cut $700 of stuff down to $350.
Although I added back $100 more. (DOH!)
But there is about $150 still on the list I am on the fence enough about that they will probably all come off the Total without too much more indecision.
Then I will have to agonize a bit about the rest of it.
And I will rationalize about it a little more that MAYBE I should just get the 1 Troll made by this 1 company instead of all 4 because maybe they will not ne correctly sized for Blood Bowl. And I could get the other 3 some other day if the 1st one is right. Etc etc etc etc.
But I found out some of those Star Players I was looking at are not even part of the game anymore. And as cool as they are... I cannot afford to collect them all.
But WOW have I found some very cool Minis and some great bargains too.
I will have a LOADED Slann Team (even though they are no longer official), Amazons and Ogre Team.
I will flesh out my Norse, Wood Elf, Undead/Necro, Goblins, Lizardmen, Dwarf, Chaos Dwarves and Chaos Pact Teams that I have had for over a Decade. Which mainly means getting the Big Guys, some Positionals that have been added over the years and a decent amount of the Stars.
Plus I found some good and CHEAP pieces that will make good Coaches, Wizards, Musicians, Fans, Bodyguards and some other pieces that can be used in the game. Things like a Halfling Chef a guy holding a huge wad of CASH to use for Bribes etc etc etc.
In the past most of my Star Players were Plastic Linemen with Gold and Silver Armor and my Big Guys were the same but Unpainted.
My Pact Team has been a bit too confusing to play against. Pretty much all of the Mini's are Plastic Lineman of different Races. (What is that 2nd Edition Human Lineman again? An Ogre? Or a Troll? I forgot again.)
I had to give up on the Khemri Team I wanted. It was WAY TOO EXPENSIVE. And many other teams and pieces had to get CUT from the list. But I think I will have a solid new batch of minis to Paint for the Winter after being too busy and having nothing much to paint anyway.
I might even show off a few of them Unpainted and later Painted this year. I am not very good at it. But it really relaxes me. Usually things I am not good at frustrate me. But painting Minis has the opposite effect.
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2021-08-13 05:35:23
grant85? WTF is that? LRB6 is BB2016 isn't it? I was looking for BB2020.
That list is WAY LONG and has all kind of stars I have never heard of AND some Old Stars that BB2020 has DUMPED from the game.
But thanks for the URL. It was worth a look.
Posted by spubbbba on 2021-08-14 12:46:54
Here is my own list of BB20 stars with rules, all but Bryce, Rumbelow and Wilhelm have "official" model for sale from GW. You can also add Scyla Anfingrimm and Max Spleenripper to that list, since they have been announced. But they haven't been released yet with BB20 rules.
Bryce 'The Slice' Cambuel
Deeproot Strongbranch
Edril Sidewinder
Frank N Stein
Glart Smashrip
Gloriel Summerbloom
Grak & Crumbleberry
Gretchen Wächer "The Bloodbowl Widow"
Griff Oberwald
Grim Ironjaw
Grombrindal, the White Dwarf
Hakflem Skuttlespike
Helmut Wulf
Karla Von Kill
Lord Borak the Despoiler
Lucien Swift & Valen Swift
Mighty Zug
Morg 'n' Thorg
Roxanna Darknail
Rumbelow Sheepskin
Skrull Halfheight
The Black Gobbo
Varag Ghoul-Chewer
Wilhelm Chaney
Willow Rosebark
Zolcath the Zoat