Posted by C0ddlefish on 2021-07-24 11:12:59
Aren't the extra Dwarf/Halfling in the box just because whole package was thrown together from existing Dwarf/Human/Halfling Sprues?
Posted by BeanBelly on 2021-07-24 19:31:08
Great to hear you are stoked about playing Old World Alliance, have fun!
Puggy sounds a good idea, add some HUGE shoulder pads to your halfling and you have it : )
I've painted a pink Dwarf team, and I am mostly through painting a pink Imperial Nobility team, so I've the makings of a Table Top OWA team.
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2021-07-28 07:21:33
Haha!! COddlefish. That is funny. And probably TRUE.
Thanks BeanBelly. I don't usually do something like that.
I am more likely to mix and match Minis from Roster to Rotter to fill out my Teams.
I have spent nearly every waking moment of 3 of the past 3 days looking at Fantasy Football Miniatures and have almost convinced myself to spend about $100 on teams I do not NEED that I already have because I found stuff that looks COOL.
I have picked out a Slann Team, 2 Kroxigors, 3 Rat Ogres, 5 Treeman, a Minotaur, a fully loaded FULLY LOADED Chaos Alliance team, a Snow Troll, 2 Ulfwereners, a few Trolls, a Ogre team and lots of cool Undead/Necro game pieces (to flesh out the Undead and Necro team I already have) and MAYBE a Khemri team and 2 Chaos Dwarf, 2 Dwarf I definitely do not need.
I haven't pulled the trigger on any of them and I really need to cut down the list. I have already eliminated a very cool All Female Vampire Team and (uh) SCALED BACK (cough) from a 100 Euros Lizardmen team to maybe just getting the team from GW for $34 instead and MAYBE not buying ANY Elves except maybe some Star Players (I can't find ANY of mine and I had a piece dedicated to be ALL of them that I had already painted).
I have about a month to figure this out. Planning on buying them while the FAM is out of town on a trip to Florida in late August through Mid-September and then later while they go to California in late October.
But I MUST cut down the list immensely and postpone as much as I can to some other year. Or never. It is such a shame that I am not extremely wealthy. Then I could really do something for the Blood Bowl community other than TALK and COVET. The Talking is relatively Positive. The Coveting... pretty sure that is one of the 7 Deadly Sins. But the flesh is WEAK.