After two brutal beatdown matches (losses) against chaos and chaos dwarfs the challengers, my fledgling blackb halfling team, finally managed to pull off a 1-0 win against dwarfs with the great gumbo earning his name with an awesome td
points of note:
1) the dwarves couldnt pick up the ball to save their lives and this cost them heavily
2) we killed a dwarf runner
3) slappard the terrible also earned his name by failing a 3+ dodge deep in the dwarven half and within scoring distance (no gfis required but i was going to need to pick the ball up after the dodge, though i did have a rr for this) - he was marked by a tackle less dwarven blitser but decided to fail miserably
4) my opponent was a great sport despite getting horribly unlucky
p.s. belated merry yule and early happy new year :)if i dont see any of you before
p.s.s. team link now added below: