I used to be part of the CPOMB squad and in a sense I was the worst kind - a collaborator.
Why do I say this?
Well my initial stabs online in Fumbbl (which were very much fluff based but with very little understanding of strategy or skill combos) resulted in a couple of really badly managed but well loved teams making it towards that dreaded 1500+ tv zone.
Soon I came into contact with scary fellas from the CPOMB cohort of the time (this is many a year before the rules changed) and took some horrific beatdowns, deaths and perms. Sometimes the beatdowns were accompanied by a somewhat taunting commentary from the adversaries in question.
My response? Well instead of being ballsy and learning to adapt and adjust with a squad of hardy humies or elves I decided to make a squad of clawpombers of my own but with a lot more guard than seemed to be going in most CPOMB squads of that era.
The guard spam did not do so well against agile teams that could force me to split me squad across the pitch such as elves but was a thing to behold against some of the CPOMB regs. But the problem is that, by this point, the "I want to inflict mayhem" fever had completely overcome my immune system.
Summary (aka TLDR): those that joined the ranks of the CPOMBERs due to their own twisted affiliations with the Chaos Gods should be forgiven, it is the cowards such as I that became CPOMBERS to try to kill other CPOMBERs that needed to grow a pair of balls. Though trying to hunt down CPOMBERS did feel much more noble than repeatedly playing dorfs at super low TV (naming now names now of course :) ).
Don't you love that feeling when you've made a new team and get matched up against a dorf team with a guard and a mb?
Ohh yeah baby, oh yeah.
Anyways, now I have a few guys with juggs instead of PO but I'm ok with that. I don't have much time for BB at the moment but the craving has come back to me somewhat and so I look forward to meeting some of you in the fields once more.
P.s. this blog was called return of the henchman as, due to having joined CPOMB as a collaborator, I do not consider myself a true super villain ;).
P.s. 2 - I still have a number of black box grid entries to complete. When is the next event where lots of underplayed teams will be playing!?