Posted by pythrr on 2018-07-04 17:27:01
Posted by ImpactedAnimal on 2018-07-04 17:27:35
Cheers buddy, that made me chuckle.
Posted by pythrr on 2018-07-04 17:27:48
But 6 for the dodge vs the big C (the bad one, not the good one).
Posted by ImpactedAnimal on 2018-07-04 17:33:10
Thanks a lot - to be fair I have no idea why I felt so butt-hurt that I needed to blog about it, particularly as the previous post was not that interesting to read and probably covered past ground.
But there was a certain cathartic release to the follow up so thanks for your kind comment.
Posted by Antithesisoftime on 2018-07-04 17:41:30
Cancer is a terrible disease, took my dad just last year.
Good luck with your battle
Posted by ImpactedAnimal on 2018-07-04 17:55:39
Thanks Anti and sorry to hear about your dad.
I am lucky to be getting excellent care and treatment and have a good support network. As things stand the treatment I am receiving is estimated to reduce the chance of another recurrence to approximately 20%.
Of course, this is where having failed those numerous gfis and other such rolls for match deciding moments is a curse but 80% is a good figure. But even if it returns as stage 4 I will fight on like a gobbo team with one turn left to equalize!
It is insane how many of us are affected by this disease yet I still walked around like I was invulnerable even after my Mum got breast cancer.
Posted by thoralf on 2018-07-04 18:08:47
Good apo.
Best of luck!
PS: Still voted 1, because "butthurt."
Posted by ImpactedAnimal on 2018-07-04 18:11:46
Well I'm totally butthurt about that thoralf.
Posted by jdm on 2018-07-04 18:34:57
Rated 6 for ogre legend rank in box :D
Posted by Rbthma on 2018-07-04 19:15:39
Welcome back & glad you're doing well. I sure remember some matches against your chaos in the box...not fondly ^-^
Posted by PurpleChest on 2018-07-04 19:29:42
dying from cancer is easy, people do it every day. living with cancer is incredibly tough, you have my best wishes and respect.
Posted by ImpactedAnimal on 2018-07-04 19:55:18
Cheers guys, really appreciate your kind comments (also hopefully thoralf got my incredibly intelligent joke there).
Also Rbthma of the two matches we played you should at least remember one with pride - was in the build up to one of the majors (I think the Fumbbl Cup).
I'd stupidly decided to do one or two more prep matches before you tore into my squad :)
Posted by awambawamb on 2018-07-04 20:47:20
rated i
Posted by garyt1 on 2018-07-04 22:26:58
My wife had to have operations and chemo, and it was an extremely tough and stressful time. So I have to say well done on you for going through so positively!
Oh hand yes there are 1 or more people who like to vote 1 on blogs on fumbbl..
Posted by ImpactedAnimal on 2018-07-05 00:12:40
Thanks mate, really appreciate it and it doesn't really seem so important anymore on the 1 front, 1s are all part of the game after all and sometimes (when the opponent rolls them) we're pretty grateful for them!
Posted by MenonaLoco on 2018-07-05 01:41:10
Cpombing is in the past - any downvoting for irrelevant posts should not be taken personally.
I wish your fight against cancer also remains in the past.
Welcome back, lets clawmb some pixels and dp on some faces...
Posted by DrDeath on 2018-07-05 14:17:25
Rated SIX - glad to hear you're on the mend IA! We all know someone affected by cancer, it's a horrible disease - well done on fighting through it and hope you can now enjoy your BB again ;)
Posted by Rags on 2018-07-05 15:00:22
Six- love the BB injury analogies. My bothered had ruthless chemo he's achieved fill remission will be a daddy by Christmas (a 'frozen pop')!
Good for you on your recovery and positive attitude and humour best way to be.
Posted by Rags on 2018-07-05 15:01:06
Also if you can make legend with Ogres you can do anything
Posted by ImpactedAnimal on 2018-07-05 22:58:01
Hey you guys are all legends, thanks again for your awesome comments.