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2015-11-25 20:04:02
3 votes, rating 4.3
Skills Choice Question on Skaven League Team (UPDATE - STILL LOOKING FOR SOME FINAL THOUGHTS :)
Hello and thanks for taking a look at my current dilemna.

The Background:
I play pretty much all my games on fumbbl other than a once a week league match on cyanide in this league called the orca cola league. Got into it initially because my mrs cant deal with the fumbbl graphics and she likes the rats so we play with them...

Anyway so the league has somewhere around 250 players all in tiers of ten, obviously if u are new to it or have elected to rs you will start at the bottom and try to fight your way up in seasons of 9 matches.

We've onto our 7th season which we are just wrapping up now and things are looking good with promotion to Division 2 guaranteed (which is scary for us cos we've never been that high!) and we have three skill choices before our last match of the season and we can't decide on them. Our last opponent is woodies but we arent letting this affect our thinking on skills as we have already won the season on points. Future opponents vary massively in terms of races but we are anticipating to be coming across lots more clawpomb/pomb as well as stat freak ag/ bash teams etc...

The Squad:

Stormvermin 1 - +str, mb, tackle (also has -ag and a -mv injuries but we like him) - SKILL CHOICE!(normal roll)

Stormvermin 2 - Mb, piling on, tackle - SKILL CHOICE! (normal roll)

Gutter runner 1 - Wrestle, Strib ball - SKILL CHOICE! (normal roll)

Gutter runner 2 - block, tackle, sidestep, diving tackle

Gutter runner 3 - block, +mv, leap, sprint

Gutter runner 4 - +mv, leap, sprint, sure feet, very long legs

Thrower 1 - -mv, block, leader

Thrower 2

Linerat - wrestle tackle, kick, fend

Linerat - block tackle

and 4 unskilled linerats

We have an apo (of course) and a lot of cash (740k) in the bank after some lucky/successful seasons and 3 rrs

The choice:

Stormvermin: Tempted by guard for both stormvermin but then again my team doesnt look to stand in lines together as we get squished to easily - have seen lots of skaven teams with guard on their stormvermin but not sure.

SLightly more out there I am tempted by break tackle for the +str -ag stormvermin to help create breaks and compensate a bit for the -ag by taking advantage of +str.

Then another part of me thinks perhaps fend for both as there will be many killers if we are try to fight our wayer any higher.

Gutter Runner:

Leap is tempting with the wrestle strib ball combo but then again dauntless could be sweet as well -- perhaps leap then dauntless?

Let me know what you think folks and a million thanks for reading and any suggestions in advance.

Hope the read was of some interest and apologies if it wasnt

Best wishes,
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Posted by Starshade on 2015-11-25 20:40:24
For that gutter you need tackle as your next skill. With wrackle strip ball combo, you get the ball out on 5 possible dice outcomes (unless there is a sure hands on the guy). After tackle go for dauntless and fend/leap if normal skills. If you get doubles get horns. I allways split my gutters to have 2 ball hawks (wreckle, strip ball) and 2 ball carriers (blodge, sidestep)

For SV, after mb, tackle, po I think that guard would be a nice choice for a normal roll. When you get double get claw on that guy. I would not take break tackle.

Posted by CCSenor on 2015-11-25 22:04:49
tackle on the runner and guard on both vermin for me.
Posted by Angmarred on 2015-11-25 23:55:54
As above, Tackle and double Guard seems like the obvious and right answer.
Posted by delusional on 2015-11-26 03:26:19
Break tackle would change dodge rolls from a -1 to a +1. Personally I would say get it, as you can then move him closer to the ball or closer to the action and +st anything is good to have closer to the action.

That being said, what's your style? Do you dodge with either SV already? Guard means a +st guy can cause his offsider to get +1 roll in his favour.

With the strip ball gutter. GO Dauntless! You need all the help it can get, while tackle would mean a knockdown result, strip ball means he looses the ball. Dauntless means he actually has a chance at the block. would you like a 1d6 block with (PO, BL, Dodge and pushback forcing a loose ball) or a 2d6 block against you?
Posted by ImpactedAnimal on 2015-11-26 12:45:28
Thanks guys lots of food for thought here - I tend to try and keep my stormsfrom ending on the front line but it is inevitable they will get stuck in at some point so guard could be good but yeah i do like being able to dodge even storm sometimes when short on rats particularly hence the interest in bt -hmmm the decisions
Posted by ImpactedAnimal on 2015-11-26 21:03:35
Cheers guys I think I'm going for guard with the stormvermin on the basis of your suggestions having consulted with the mrs. However do u reckon guard on both or do u reckon piling on on the str4 vermin?

For the Gutter Runner I'd be really interested on your thoughts on the following challenge to tackle as the following skill:

My issue with tackle in this situation is it only helps get the ball from the carrier if he has both dodge and surehands - is this really better at this stage than leap to get into cages or dauntless to reduce 3d against rolls on occasions i bust in?

Overall the standard in the league is lower than in the bb but in the higher tiers there are plenty of really good players who will form cages deep and lay down the beating so leap feels like it could potentially help with last resort blits and dauntless could help in the same situation assuming i manage the 5+dodge in.

Thanks so much in advance for any thoughts
Posted by Uedder on 2015-11-27 00:54:37
I suck with skaven.

With that i'd prefer mobility over guard for a st4 stormvermin. I can't really figure situations where skaven may need guard as much as i figure when they'd really want to get that st4 in a better position!

So i say break tackle.

The other guy could go guard, but with po... dunno i'd probably go frenzy. Having the chance to surf really adds up a lot to an agile team. And also it's a free reroll on blocks which is huge on a killer.

Sure, having 2 guards may help against elves... your decision.

Now to the gutter...

I think it's all down to personal preference and style. I like leap, because i like to always have the chance to blitz the ball carrier on a 3+. It's for desperate situations of course, that's how i use it.

And if you move to a bigger stage, you will have lots of those, i think.

Dauntless will help against all kind of ballcarriers. A 1d with wrestle has decent odds even against a blodger sh guy.

Tackle is also sweet. Gives you 3/6 good results x block die on any player. Those are good odds.

Basically some games you will wish you had gone leap, some others you hadB gone dauntless and others again you will crave for tackle.

But they're all equally good choices imo.

The best thing is all of this won't matter at all, you got a natural oneturner!