Posted by OenarLod on 2012-05-22 17:23:31
BigC and you rock!
Posted by latulike on 2012-05-22 17:30:02
Donation made, support FUMBBL!
Good job!
Posted by Garion on 2012-05-22 17:32:13
wow amazing news! Great news all round, so happy to see OFAB sorted, and now those three skills are sorted it only leaves bombadier, ball and chain and mercs :D \o/
Posted by Kalimar on 2012-05-22 17:34:11
Mercs are in (see above). So only those 2 skills and some cards left ;-)
Posted by MattDakka on 2012-05-22 17:35:33
Amazing! Thanks very much from the deep of my heart!!!
Will Tackle be optional one day?
Currently you can't decide to switch it off.
The same goes for Dodge, it should ever be optional.
Currently you can switch Dodge off only when you are near the pitch's bounds, but this way some tricky chainpushes can't be avoided (especially when playing vs Norse).
Posted by Garion on 2012-05-22 17:41:59
oh yeah, doh! missed the mercs somehow, even better news than I thought then :D
Are you really going to do all the playing cards? They are only optional rules after all? not in the official rules section.
Posted by WhatBall on 2012-05-22 17:43:44
Supreme! \o/
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2012-05-22 17:44:23
It would be cool if it was optional which skills were optional ;D
Posted by Calcium on 2012-05-22 17:45:02
Just superb :)
Posted by Kalimar on 2012-05-22 17:49:02
Skill Optionality: No, Tackle won't be optional and Dodge is as optional as it is going to get (that is: only in specific situations). This is a compromise to keep the game playable. Otherwise it would degrade to "popup hell". Making it configurable (ask me if I want to be asked) is not an option for me either, as I want both sides to play the same game (with the same tactical possibilities, the same rules) at all times.
Cards: No, I will not implement ALL the cards, some of those are sounding quite harmless but are hell to implement (2 balls, anyone?). But I would really love to have several of each category to choose from. This will be a Game Option (for Leagues and Tournaments) of course and will never make it into Ranked or Box.
Posted by PigStar-69 on 2012-05-22 17:58:30
your work sir is very much and widly appreciated ;-)
Posted by jarvis_pants on 2012-05-22 17:59:35
Great work guys awesome to see the progress.
Please dont forget the little guys throw team mate bug fixes would be awesome (especialy for flings ;)
Posted by BlizzBirne on 2012-05-22 18:07:40
can't wait to play the new client. tried to rate 7, but couldn't.
Posted by Purplegoo on 2012-05-22 18:52:53
I'm sure 2 balls is hell to implement... Nut harmless?!
Whatever you can manage will be great! Kalimar FTW.
Posted by Dhaktokh on 2012-05-22 20:25:26
Amazing! This ruins my summerbreak from fumbbl ;-D
Posted by the_Sage on 2012-05-22 20:47:04
Pass block! Huzah! On behalf of the rush and pass league, I thank you!
Posted by Dhaktokh on 2012-05-22 22:16:12
Pass block - on behalf of this player I thank you!
Posted by MattDakka on 2012-05-23 00:49:48
Please fix Dump Off: it should allow to target an empty square, currently you can only target a player, but not an empty square.
This makes Dump Off weaker than how it should be.
Posted by Wang on 2012-05-23 06:14:09
All looks good, except I want pop-up hell on Dodge.
Posted by jamesfarrell129 on 2012-05-23 09:47:52
My slann team thank you for HMP... or they will, if I can ever keep a catcher alive long enough to roll a double skill.
Posted by Niebling on 2012-05-23 10:31:38
You sir, are made of pure win
Posted by SnakeyesDoubleskull on 2012-07-07 17:47:08
Thanks for everything. You are the man. As a goblin coach, I am holding my breath for HMP, ball and chain and bombardier skills! WTG ;)