Posted by clarkin on 2010-11-07 14:31:52
Posted by R0binR on 2010-11-07 14:34:38
Posted by SillySod on 2010-11-07 14:39:17
Posted by Dhaktokh on 2010-11-07 14:55:28
Posted by Ancre on 2010-11-07 15:06:22
Posted by Cavetroll on 2010-11-07 15:11:02
Posted by Synn on 2010-11-07 15:11:24
And just to confirm.... your RNG's seed is not generated client side right?
Posted by Kalimar on 2010-11-07 15:20:31
The RNG is server side only (the server does all dice rolling), cryptographically secure and reseeded by truly random factors (client mouse movements). On top of that the server code is not public and cannot be decompiled.
Posted by Reisender on 2010-11-07 15:43:52
yay! cant wait to mark Wardancers and Bull Centaurs with "kill before turn 6" !
Posted by PigStar-69 on 2010-11-07 15:47:38
\o/ \o/ i wish to start the dance again ;-)
Posted by Calthor on 2010-11-07 16:16:50
Posted by Roseph on 2010-11-07 18:15:52
Posted by BillBrasky on 2010-11-07 18:24:57
You sir, are the shit!
Posted by DukeTyrion on 2010-11-07 19:12:29
Hmmm, votes have dropped from 6.0 to 5.9 ... zombie69 has voted :-P
Posted by DonTomaso on 2010-11-07 20:08:14
Excellent work!
All of yous!
Posted by Garion on 2010-11-07 20:54:34
Keep up the great work, we all love the effort you and your team are putting in. Great stuff :)
Posted by zakatan on 2010-11-08 14:23:41
Posted by maysrill on 2010-11-08 14:24:24
I attempted to vote 7 again, to get the average back to where it belongs. Had to settle for a 6 though.
Great work. I eagerly await full release, but don't feel you have to rush it on our account! :)
Posted by Lakrillo on 2010-11-08 14:27:52
I cannot say i have done "lots of bugfixes" but i have fixed some important stuff, like the sound-volume that was so annoying in winXP and fixing some of the stuff that Kalimar broke with his new Player States (which i kind of requested from him to be able to solve some bugs)
I will try to take some time to check stuff before release a little more so we at least fix more than we break
Posted by WhatBall on 2010-11-08 15:50:46
Posted by pythrr on 2010-11-08 21:13:31
<3 yoo
Posted by Sigmar1 on 2010-11-08 22:07:53
How about the no frenzy-dbl hit bug if a gfi is required? I don't suppose thats on the list of fixes as well?
Posted by Lakrillo on 2010-11-09 10:28:17
I fixed the frenzy-bug yesterday so that you can now do the second block on the gfi.
I will see how much more bug-fixing i can get in before the release.
Posted by Grod on 2010-11-09 17:14:08
"and reseeded by truly random factors (client mouse movements)".
I am just going to be a smart ass and say that's not random! FFB exploit: move the mouse up to roll a six!
On a more serious (and technical) note: if you reseed a RNG in this way, do you still get the correct spread of numbers? I mean, does a RNG have statistical properties based on inputting a single initial seed, or are those properties preserved anyway if you change the seed regularly in a random manner?
Posted by Lakrillo on 2010-11-09 22:06:16
To explain how things work for you Grod. A computer is a strict logical thing. No matter how advanced computer or program you have, it can NEVER do anything totally random, every randomiser have to have some sort of input as it is a calculation. Unless you put something into it. By putting in a mix of both players mouse-movement into the calculation box which does a really good randomising, there is no way you can control what the outcome of a dice will be.
Posted by Grod on 2010-11-09 22:43:50
I understand quite a bit about it Lakrillo. The first part was a joke.
The second part was more serious, and goes to the heart of what a RNG is. The question is whether the statistical properties of a RNG are valid only for a single seed, or if they are also valid if you try to feed it new random seeds every time you want a random number?
Posted by RedDevilCG on 2010-11-10 01:13:36
Why would the statistical properties change? Are you thinking you will always roll a 1 if the seed changes every time? Maybe clarify your questions.
Posted by Adhevan on 2010-11-10 15:00:37
I love the new client more every time I use it. Y'all rock!
Posted by SzieberthAdam on 2010-11-13 15:55:10
Cant wait for the release! :)
Posted by On1 on 2010-12-08 21:02:24
I need to raise the dead it seems, gotta hear that sound :)