Posted by Malmir on 2014-08-13 09:09:13
I'd be surprised if you got much take up on this, as I think your basic assumption is incorrect. Most ranked players imo prefer fair games in an ideal world, however lack of choice etc means they take what they can get when available, which can lead to less balanced games. The idea of arranging a one-sided pounding makes little appeal to me at least.
Posted by Cloggy on 2014-08-13 10:03:44
I reserve the right to not play coaches who (insert Yuzi references here).....
Posted by DrPoods on 2014-08-13 12:57:52
Posted by bghandras on 2014-08-13 13:14:48
I think you offer more than you take. Plus you make sure that more games are played. Big cheers for your initiative. Haters gonna hate, dont worry about them.
Posted by PeteW on 2014-08-13 15:14:32
I like it. But then I am a picker. :D
Posted by xnoelx on 2014-08-13 16:05:53
It's not a bad idea. And people don't have to arrange a 'one-sided pounding', they could go for a fair match that they need for gridfilling, or save it for when the gf is quiet, etc. All sorts of options. Good luck with it.
Posted by mrt1212 on 2014-08-13 17:54:27
Malmir, I'm betting that the worst of the worst don't have the courage to activate in Box no matter how sweet the prospect of depitching snotlings and halflings is.
Also, xnoelx gets it. It's not just so you can pre tourney buff your team, it's also for people who want practice against specific teams, or play in North America and struggle to find friendly, fair matches from about 2:00-8:00 server time. Since I'll have one of every team and I typically avoid making awful min/max teams there are countless fair matches to be had.
More importantly this is just a way of saying "thanks for helping me get a game, here is a one off for you." There aren't many ways to show gratitude to other players for showing up to participate. I've mulled over several ideas with myself, Koadah and Lorebass and of all of my ideas this is certainly the most feasible to implement since it only requires work on my end.
Posted by Cavetroll on 2014-08-13 18:53:50
This seems like a reasonable offer to generate more activity in the box during your playing times.
Posted by the_Sage on 2014-08-13 19:20:09
It seems pretty reasonable and interesting. However, I could imagine you would need to limit it somehow, to avoid it being against the site rules.
Posted by Malmir on 2014-08-13 19:55:35
I read your response and admit you made a good point. I probably won't take you up on it, but I like your initiative.
Posted by fidius on 2014-08-14 07:08:04