Posted by TrashMouse on 2020-06-01 03:25:06
What is this even regarding?
Posted by erased000047 on 2020-06-01 03:25:08
hope you fare well, be safe my friend. advicce - if you need to take a break, take a break.... but don't delete.
hug my bro.
Posted by Amon242 on 2020-06-01 04:46:59
so, great point bro?
Posted by erased000019 on 2020-06-01 04:58:40
Oh, naw man our civilization has been in hopelessly terminal collapse for decades, it's way too late to stop it now. At this point you might as well just keep playing Blood Bowl and enjoy yourself while you can.
Posted by fidius on 2020-06-01 07:42:06
What would you do if you weren't playing?
Posted by koadah on 2020-06-01 08:48:02
It's healthier to be on Fumbbl than watching the news all day.
Posted by stej on 2020-06-01 09:15:24
As with all things in life, balance is important. Swap some fumbbl time for somethinge else that has a better benefit on your life. Take up running, a new topic of study etc.
Gradually reduce your fumbbl time so that you enjoy the joy of playing and not the high of winning.
Posted by SpecialOne on 2020-06-01 12:39:59
Just don't be black and go for a run in the US. Could be bad for you. I am saddened by these times.
Posted by garyt1 on 2020-06-01 17:47:53
MRT, almost seems like you are suggesting people should get out and riot instead of playing FUMBBL. Seems the peaceful protest time quickly passed.
As much as spending a load of time on the internet is not good for people, in these times of lockdowns and rioting it is a safe option.
Posted by fidius on 2020-06-01 20:11:20
If enough decide to take your stance "in opposition to the police" and the rule of law, you will together have achieved the end of civilization. I've taken the same lesson as you from this, but with a different conclusion: I should speak up more often against the lies people are consuming daily -- lies that feed such things as racism, destruction of property, race-baiting, victimology, conspiracy theories, and general fear and hatred of things they don't understand. The catalyst event in MN was appalling and sickening, and those responsible should be held to account under the full force of the law, but the reason the spark became a national conflagration was on account of the mendacious fuel our political left and media have been dousing us with for generations, with no opposition from me. One way I can love my neighbour is by fighting lies with truth. You're black and you think I hate you? WRONG, I love you. Let me show you. Game on.
Posted by Dominik on 2020-06-01 23:32:06
I got voted below 2.0 when I posted a blog about politics.
Posted by Burnalot on 2020-06-02 09:00:26
Dominik: I think this might get there too with time.
Posted by Mattius on 2020-06-02 11:10:22
A wider topic would be regarding game addiction. I suffer from it, it's escaping from the real world and quite often not facing our reality.
Fumbbl honestly is nothing compared to some games such as hearthstone, WOW etc. But it still is addictive. Some people would benefit from a break if not a total cut from playing. You have to count the hours and challenge how else you could have spent that time.
Saying this, I think we all need our little cave and Fumbbl is mine. It's good we share these things. Good luck mrt1212 and I wish you a good break.
Posted by Christer on 2020-06-03 16:53:03
I have gone through these comments and removed some inappropriate posts. This is a highly political topic about a serious issue and I don't want to completely remove the topic in interest of free speech.
However, FUMBBL isn't a place for "calls to action" and promoting civil unrest or disobedience. It is also not a place for personal attacks and senseless arguing with each-other.
If you want to argue with someone else, do it in private.