That's right dudes and dudettes, I hit 500 out of 576 matchups last night in Box. It's been a few years in the making and has involved a lot of folly and coaching boneheads but I'm bearing down on finishing the Box Grid.
I've been keeping track with a spreadsheet on my progress that you can take a look at
So far I haven't needed much help in getting matches but the closer I approach the harder it becomes. Although its been fun to do this mostly with one team each per race it's proving difficult to find some of the teams at the TVs my teams are at. There are several teams I have seldom faced - Halflings and Slann in particular have been hard to get a game against. So to sweeten the deal for all of you and get the games I need to finish the grid, from this point forward every game that counts towards filling the Box Grid I will donate 5 dollars to Fumbbl. The final 10 games, I will donate 10 dollars per game.
So please, bring out your Flings and Frogs, High Elves and Goblins, maybe an occasional Vampire or two. If risking those teams in a Box activation isn't your jams, try out a
Black Box Brawl Tourney where we run special ARR Brawls 4th Wednesday of every month that gives some of these shy teams a chance to shine.
Below is a list of matchups needed by team
Amazon needs: Halfing, Ogre, Underworld, Vampire
Chaos needs: Halfling, High Elf, Slann, Underworld
Chaos Dwarf needs: Halfling, High Elf, Skaven, Slann
Chaos Pact needs: Halfling, High Elf, Human, Norse, Vampire, Wood Elf
Dark Elf needs: Halfing, Ogre, Slann, Underworld, Vampire
Dwarf needs: Slann
Pro Elf needs: Norse, Undead
Goblin needs: None
Halfling needs: Necromantic, Vampire
High Elf needs: Goblin, Slann
Human needs: None
Khemri needs: Dwarf, Goblin, Halfling, Slann, Vampire
Lizardmen needs: Pro Elf, Halfling, High Elf, Norse, Ogre, Wood Elf
Necromantic needs: Goblin, Lizardmen, Slann
Norse needs: Amazon, Halfling, Lizardmen, Ogre
Nurgle needs: Goblin, Human, Ogre, Vampire
Ogre needs: Dark Elf, High Elf, Slann, Wood Elf
Orc needs: Dark Elf, Halfling, High Elf, Necromantic
Skaven needs: None
Slann needs: Dark Elf, Halfling, Ogre, Slann, Vampire
Undead needs: Amazon, Pro Elf, Goblin, High Elf, Underworld, Vampire
Underworld needs: Goblin, Skaven (Okay, this one cracked me up. Of course these are the last two)
Vampire needs: None
Wood Elf needs: Goblin
I couldnt have done all this already without you and I certainly can't do the rest without you so lets get to work! This is a team effort, lets get it done!