Posted by WindexChugger on 2009-07-25 06:23:57
it's just one of the things that makes blood bowl...blood bowl. If nuffle is with you...really with you, your 100TR halflings can beat Competitive Eaters.
And really, only GTR is so severely game changing that it should be changed (which it is in LRB5.)
Perfect very useful, but for the most part you're either A. a basher and take the PD, or B. an agility team who can just dodge away. It's unpleasant, and can sometimes win a drive, but it's not a game thrower.
Blitz...again useful. This time for speedier teams, as you said. This kickoff result leans more towards the game changing, imo. If a team of woodies rolls blitz, they can easily get a catcher under the ball and several players around him, maybe even a full cage. If this's broken, imo. If the other team can only get one person under the ball, but that's it...well, that's fine. Should be able to stop them.
Pitch Invasion. This, rock, GTR, and income are the reasons to have high FF. I think this is a fair kick-off result. If you don't spend the effort to get (or just don't care about) FF, then this could be awful. I've played a game in which pitch invasion was rolled twice, and I had at least double my opponents FF. In one of those kick offs, all but one of his players were knocked down. My opponent took the risk; he decided that his TR/TS was better spent on players/skills than on FF. Often, he gets a slight advantage over me because of it, but occasionally the kickoff table decides that I should get paid for my FF. This, rock, and GTR are all things to consider when deciding if high FF is what you want. You just have to weigh the gains/loss of high FF. Having these kick-off results increases team build possibilities.
Posted by Ganabul on 2009-07-25 07:46:20
Windex, I wish FF was that controllable, especially for newer coaches.
Yes, I know there are ways to improve it - but specifically working on it is hard to do when you're still learning the game. The easiest, for example, is to win consistently. By definition, that's not that easy for newbs! As a result, new, less skilled players have to endure what, as pubstar points out, are decisive results which often leave no chance for a response. Getting shut out for a whole drive (Field Invasion) or, worse, losing half your team by half time to an early get the ref, is simply not fun. Overall and in the long term, Windex, you may be right - they aren't game breaking, just part of the ebb and flow of chance that make the game. But there are times when it doesn't feel like that, even for the most reasonable of newbies.
As for your general points, pubstar, I agree pretty much, and you're far from an ass; blitz has won me one game and cost me one (as in late 2nd half blitz-catch-scores); PD makes me wince. Some of my teams have really low FF, and I've lost games to the Ref and Field Invasion. Here's to a few more cas & a higher fan factor ;)
Posted by koga49 on 2009-07-25 10:23:43
voted 1 - love the kick off table in bb adds to the game an element of suprise and creates a different challange if there was no kick off suprise think the game would be duller for it.
couple of games ago opponent got blitz and i managed to score after he rushed forward giving me a chance, it was a very satisfying moment.
Posted by Gritter on 2009-07-25 10:24:29
"Changing weather- perfect" wtf? when the weather turns to heat, thats what annoys me the most in the game. If one or both teams are short handed it makes the result of the match a complete lottery.
Posted by Purplegoo on 2009-07-25 22:16:23
I think that's an excellent blog, sir.
Whilst the kickoff table is fun, I totally agree (although not with some of your specifics there – we could quibble over what’s worst, etc, GTR gets too bad a stick, for instance) that it's too influential and at times a but silly! Too many people focus on GTR and forget some of the other poor game mechanics (not fluff, game mechanics) on the KO table. I think it’s one of BB's bigger flaws, myself, and could do with a really radical rethink.
Sadly, this is as good as you’ll have it. When we get to LRB5+; life takes a turn for the worse. Riot and High Kick are just dumb. Although, I'm not swung either way on the fame thing, I've yet to play deep enough into the league I'm playing in to decide.
Anyway; good blog pointing out a mechanic that's flawed and people miss all too often.