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Last seen 8 years ago
pubstar (20986)
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2012-07-11 18:28:59
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2012-04-22 13:16:15
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2012-04-15 12:51:59
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2012-03-08 07:17:18
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2010-03-03 17:46:16
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2010-03-02 13:45:25
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2010-02-08 13:06:10
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2010-02-01 13:45:19
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2009-11-17 20:04:01
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2009-08-30 17:15:56
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2009-07-25 04:40:24
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2009-06-19 21:52:15
rating 3.6
2010-03-07 03:04:57
39 votes, rating 5.4
Playing the Moment (Or, Playing Humans Until You're Good With Them)
Recently, I spectated a tournament match between two very good coaches. As the game wore on, one coach (Blue) was slowly but steadily gaining the upper hand. He had a leading touchdown, a wizard, and all his players on the field. His opponent (Red) was doing his best, but making little headway. Blue’s turn ended. Red was down, had lost key players, and lost the ball after receiving the kickoff. He paused. The turn timer ticked faithfully downward as he ruminated. Suddenly, after a drawn-out period of thought from a skilled, experienced coach… he did something stupid. So stupid. Something we all know not to do. I hope to maintain anonymity here, so I’ll skip the details and cut to the chase. Not only did he make a very meticulous, thoughtful mistake, he also won the game in overtime.

What happened here? Clearly, he’s a lucker. He has a great record, so perhaps he’s a career lucker, but a lucker all the same… right? Wrong. He was playing the moment.

As new coaches, we are taught various things. We learn them as rules. Don’t stand on the sideline. Take your non-dice moves first. We learn them as rules because this aids in developing discipline. It helps, really. If you force yourself to see a field 1 square shorter on each margin, you won’t have your guys surfed too often. Your guys won’t be on the sideline because as you see it, it is impossible for them to be there. You’ve made a rule.

The danger in rules is they’re stiff. So often I’ve single-covered a beastman deep in my territory only to give up a score. Beastmen don’t pass. The definitely don’t pass into coverage. Even if they did, there’s a dodge, and a gfi… impossible.

Now, discerning the ‘optimal’ play each turn and executing it is very likely the key to Blood Bowl at large. Sorry to disappoint, but you’ll not receive that here. The purpose of this blog is not to give insight on a single play; its scope is larger than that. I’m concerned with overall playstyle and strategy.

We set up mental barriers for what should and should not happen on the pitch. We let these fester in our minds until ‘should not’ becomes ‘cannot’. And I daresay we do the same thing with races.

With any given play, a good head for numbers will tell you what will be most likely to cause a touchdown, casualty, or turnover. Sometimes that isn’t what happens, and a beastman elfs his way to an impossible touchdown. With races and playstyles, it gets stickier.

I tend to play each of my favorite races they way they’re ‘meant’ to be played. My rotters slog the middle of the pitch. My elves dodge and dance. My rats… uh, die. Still not quite sure how to play rats ;)

Every race has advantages, and we’re taught to maximize and exploit these, sure as we’re taught not to leave blokes too close to the crowd. Here, the stiffness of our mentally-erected rules can be even more damaging. There are moments where your race’s advantages break down, or simply aren’t there. This is where a good coach succeeds and a novice coach fails. There’s a great article somewhere on this page that presents the idea of ‘Zen Noobism’, where you make stupid moves just to see if they’ll work. I’m not suggesting that exactly. What I’m suggesting is that there are times when the stupid move is not only entertaining, but indeed optimal. The optimal play might make your head full of facts screech and grind its neural gears. Because it’s impossible to dodge with a dwarf. It’s impossible for a skink to block a black orc. And it’s impossible to connect a beastman-to-beastman pass into coverage.

A thought I’m trying to keep in mind when I’m searching the pitch for the optimal play, is that my playstyle should never be determined solely by racial strategy articles and preconceived notions. My play should be determined by the moment. Heck, if I can execute that idea on the pitch, maybe someday I’ll win a tournament game in overtime ;)

Now again I must admit failure, fair reader. I can’t give you the key to knowing just when these moments arise. Most often, your slow bashies should slowly bash, and your elves should elf. After all this text, maybe knowing how to play the moment comes down to just having a human team with a winning record. If I ever field one, I’ll let you know how it went ;)

Thanks for reading,
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Posted by Roseph on 2010-03-07 04:07:01
http://fumbbl.com/help:TheArtofZenNoobism and yes pubstar this is what i ment by zen noobism. sometimes its just about playing in the here and now and forgetting the "rules" awesome blog
Posted by Tathar on 2010-03-07 07:03:03
I think the key is in discerning when you have a game changing moment. A lot of the riskier moves we can take are often frivolous. But sometimes you realise that the safe road only leads to failure. Then you have to take the risk that needs taking and may not be as unprobable as you have been conditioned to think. Quad skulls are 1/1296 and we accept they will happen: How many "risky plays" are actually less likely than that?
Posted by Malmir on 2010-03-07 07:18:07
Great blog - I think the moment is when you look at all the 'safe' moves you could do and realise they aren't going to help. Then it's time to forget the rules and look for the least risky 'risky' move that will help. That's when the -2D to open up a path to the ball and the 5+ rr dodge come into play.
Posted by BeeRTRuCK on 2010-03-07 07:27:07
Great blog mate, longest blog ive read that didnt need jokes to keep me entertained.
ive thrown the calculator out the window many a time playing woodies. To the stage where you have to weigh up risk v reward, even a +ag Wardancer fails a dodge 1/36, sometime you just need to go for the leap -db block into a cage.
Posted by MadTias on 2010-03-07 08:24:47
Good blog. First we learn to obey the rules - then we learn the right moments to break them.
Posted by JellyBelly on 2010-03-07 11:08:33
Good read Pubstar. I think minimising risk is a good guideline for noobs to learn the basics and improve their game, but now I've played a few more games I'm coming to realise that it's more about risk vs reward. Sometimes it might be worth trying a dorf dodge or passing with skinks if the potential rewards are great. Of course, if your opponent is playing well then sometimes ur forced to make those riskier moves.

Also, towards the end of ur turn the adverse consequences of the riskier moves decreases. Also, when you haven't got the ball then you really haven't got anything to lose ... why not try that 5+, -2db blitz into the cage? ;)
Posted by Ilzhahkha on 2010-03-07 11:47:34
When you really need to win, the state of your team don't matter and you've concluded all safe moves won't help then there is almost always a path formed by desperate measures.

Most games are not of the nature where winning is everything, and if you want to have a team for the next match then you might still go for the safe moves that won't work unless nuffle decides to throw skulls upon skulls at your opponent but it's always good to know what you could have tried.
Posted by Archevol on 2010-03-07 12:56:16
Quality blog Pubstar. Keep 'em coming.
Posted by RC on 2010-03-07 15:23:56
There is always time for some n00bish -2d to help you winn a game.
Posted by Ginocoolowski on 2010-04-17 07:10:22
I could say something about how I pass in every single game, that I on average pass 1.75 times even with undead and chaos, and that I often dodge with skeletons if the moon is right. But I think in all the good graces of bad and good Bloodbowling, in all that is holy in the name of NUFFLE...

...When the clock is winding down, and you're tired, and half your mates are dead on the sideline, and that huge troll is bearing down on your tiny body, and you've only got 2 seconds to decide how it is your going to spend your last moments of baited breath, you close your eyes and ask yourself the only question that has gotten you this far, and will get you through this crucible... What would Prince Morian Do?

He'd dice against that troll.