2009-11-01 03:12:40
36 votes, rating 3.7
Go ahead, rate 1 now, I'll wait. Done? Good.
My past 20 or so matches, I have struggled, in every way possible. Bad connections, bad coaching, bad sportsmanship, and yes, even bad dice.
I've been rude to a handful of coaches who didn't deserve it, and written some pretty distasteful match reports. Honestly, this isn't the first time I've had a Blood Bowl breakdown, and perhaps it won't be my last. But over a somewhat long stretch of poor games, my resistance to the frustration of failure tends to wane.
Each time this happens, I come back with a better attitude, and a bit more resilience, so I think this is good for me, but it doesn't excuse my behavior to the coaches who had to deal with my 'growing pains'. So, if the name pubstar reminds you of dice-based whining, or the like, that is understandable, and I'd like to apologize.
So flame on, rate 1's, I have it coming. Hope to see you in the box, I'm again prepared to laugh just as hard as you do when you niggle my rookie werewolf :)
thanks for reading,
EDIT: I've deleted the more offensive of my match reports. If you really need to research my crime of poor sportsmanship, just assume the worst, you'll have it pretty much pegged :)