Happy to announce we just picked up our 1000-th win on Fumbbl! A feat which we are very proud of :). We earned the 1000-th win in a
League match, but our recent push to 1000 was driven by a collection of recent tournament victories, including:
UI XIII Qualifier: Light Lantern
Black Box Brawl CCCXI
FUMBBL Smack Scheduled - Brawl 53
I've had an awesome time on Fumbbl and look forward to many more matches to come. These days, I've been pretty busy in real life, so lately, I've only been playing tournament games.
Our 1000 wins can be broken down as follows:
381 Ranked
182 Box
437 League (or Unranked)
I used to play quite a bit in the 4vs4 league which piled up games rather quickly.
Look forward to seeing you on the pitch!