I used to play Blood Bowl 15 years ago. I really enjoyed it, but you know how it is... Life's life. You have better things to do, responsibilities to assume, etc. That was until, for some unknown reason, I wikipedia'ed Blood Bowl and found this site. Oh, yeah, I can be a teenager again during my holidays!
Since I love challenges, I started a fling team, the
Flying Sammiches. My first games were pathetic. And the few I won were like noob vs noober. It took a few matches to get back in track. But eventually, I managed not to get discouraged and kept playing.
My team quickly grown - so did its losing streak. Not so long ago, I decided to go berserk on the players. I fired half of the team and, besides the treemen, I only kept 4 skilled players. I was unsure about 2 of them. Fortunately, they died the following match.
Lowering my TV made me competitive again. Since then, I've had 4 victories, 1 tie, and 5 losses. It's not the best I can do, but it's still pretty decent for a fling team I think. And trust me, I'm getting better.
What's the purpose of this blog entry? Well... I first wanted to thank
Jarvis_Pants for his great help topic about flings. Seriously, it's priceless. I didn't get it all when I first read it. But as you play, you realize how this guy's right and knows flings. Thanks a lot, I now understand what you mean by "bash firing flings".
Thanks as well to
the_sage who answered my newbish questions and somehow helped me to become a little more experienced.
And finally, thanks to the players of my team who are still alive, including the two future stars
Ernst Swiftoak and the soon to come legendary
Ozzy Fencyale. Both guys rock. Look for them on the battle - errr... play* ground.
All hail the flings!
Fear the filngs, they're coming out for you!