Posted by okostomi on 2016-12-07 08:35:29
Don't give up. If your helves have 2 bad turns, the game can still be won if you concentrate on the other 14.
Posted by bigbullies on 2016-12-07 08:36:32
stick with it mate it will get better
i know everybody says that but its like the tide there are highs and lows you have started at low tide so can only go up
Posted by Shydeon on 2016-12-07 08:57:12
I wish there would be higher tides in that one cause right now I feel bad for my elvish team at this point I mean 1 win in 10 games. I do not want to retire them but its not looking good for the poor little guys. Also my team keeps getting up in tv is not helping the match up during my bad rolling time.
Posted by jdm on 2016-12-07 09:08:48
1200 TV isn't too bad and you've got 2/8 skills as doubles. Try and ride out these bad times mate, make fewer rolls if possible, assume failure before making them, and play it cautious.
Also saw you'd applied your team to ARR, FYI that's only for box teams.
Posted by ArrestedDevelopment on 2016-12-07 09:25:36
With early HE you are really going to have to 'nurse' your rerolls. You have a team that is 90% potential and 10% skilled.
Ag4 across the board of course promises much, but effectively, an ag3 player with dodge is better at dodging, an ag3 player with sure hands is better at picking up, and of course, ag4 doesn't do anything for your players when you're not actually using it.
In effect, for large parts of the game, you will be paying more TV for what acts mostly like a human lino.
This is exasperated by having a low reroll total. Some people get around the low-skill HE start by taking leader on the thrower as soon as possible. Others don't take a thrower and start with 3 team rerolls (no apothecary to start); but effectively, it doesn't really matter what you do with HE - you will be reliant on positional play and keen use of rerolls.
Which is to say, yes, you will fail. Quite a lot more than you 'expect' to. The improvement comes not through lack of bad dice, but from understanding where is 'okay' to fail, and taking steps to reduce potential for a bad roll to impact the whole drive. Double skulls in turn 1? Pretty annoying, but very rarely does it destroy the whole game... turning it into quad skulls might though.
Yes, your team is frustrating. As are your dice. And I have retired HE for exactly the same reasons you describe on multiple occasions, but effectively, it's a good opportunity to learn exactly what is critical to reroll and what isn't, and if you can stick through it, you'll be better for it.
Posted by Wreckage on 2016-12-07 09:34:24
Actually if you can announce in advance that you will be rolling many 1s in the next game that is far more astounding than to look back at previous games and to complain about it... game 5 is about 19% tho.. far less ones than in the previous games... i wonder... if the assumption is merely to roll more 1s than statistically expected the probability would be 50% to fulfill the promise.
That aside you surely recieved the short end of the stick lately, someone inevitably will once in a while ;).
Posted by Roland on 2016-12-07 10:25:53
You need to donate to fumbbl to get better dice ;)
Posted by TFRiley on 2016-12-07 11:42:39
Wanna play?
Posted by JellyBelly on 2016-12-07 13:00:45
Sorry again that you've had a bad start with your team mate. Don't give up - it will turn and your team will get much better as they gain more skills. I don't have time right now, but later on I will look at a couple of your replays and pm you some tips (if I can see anything that might help) :)
Posted by Matthueycamo on 2016-12-07 14:15:11
Always look on the bright side. Last night I had 4 badly hurts before I started my second turn including a fireball that hurt 2. 15 turns playing with 7 Dwarfs against 13 khemri. Thought I was totally done, I won 2-1. Just could not stop rolling double pows/pow push on the -2d and depitching on a string of 1d pows.
Nuffle giveth and he taketh away. Sometimes in the same game.
My pro tip during a game of too many 1s is "watch whilst I double 1 this gfi I need lol." Then nuffle the devious git he is will give you 6s! Trust me I have scored TDs on this tactic!
Posted by Uedder on 2016-12-07 15:18:26
Well, tbh it's not all about dice.
This game you seem to have had decent dice. But still lost 3-0 to Chaos.
Posted by Jeffthejar on 2016-12-07 17:18:06
Have you considered Dark Elf instead of High Elf? Like ArrestedDevelopment has said, HE coaching at low TV absolutely requires some great RR management. Getting double skulls on turn 1 does suck, but if you only have 2 RR to spend (or even all 3, but no/very few skills on your players), you have to "Eat" that double skull and save the RR for later in the half. With that being said, "eating" a double skull and saving the RR for later is not always easy to learn/do, and I make this mistake often. But, the important thing is to try and learn to identify situations where you should/shouldn't re-roll a failure.
Dark Elves might be more forgiving to a player trying to learn the game/trying to learn how to play an Elf type team. Dark Elves are the "bashy/running" type of elf, though, so they aren't the air-show that ProElf/WoodElf/HElf are (but AG 4 means you can always air the ball out if you need to). The biggest advantage Dark Elf has over High Elf in low-tv is that Dark Elf teams can start with up to 4 block players, so that means you have a chance to spam blodge 4 times with 1 skill up on each, which really helps keep them standing and saves on RR.
Good luck my friend, and remember that 1/36s happen all the time.
Posted by Albemouff on 2016-12-07 17:19:23
Elves are an awful team to learn the game.
Try with humans or orcs !
Posted by thoralf on 2016-12-07 17:20:07
Create Orcs ream.
Play Orcs.
Return to HEs later.
Say after you watched Kroger play HEs.
You should see a difference.
Posted by thoralf on 2016-12-07 17:20:47
Damn tablet.