Posted by Aecrylis on 2016-12-30 00:18:13
Get back on the horse again. I am 1500+ games, and still learning :D
I recently had a streak like yours, only 10 or 15 games (it felt like that, could be less). Its shit, nothing else to say.
Maybe take a few days where you spectate games instead of play yourself :)
Posted by MattDakka on 2016-12-30 00:56:24
Lizardmen are way better than starting Chaos, so don't get disheartened.
By the way Chaos sucks early and gets better once you build some Claw, Mighty blow, Piling On players.
If you really want to learn to play some coaches can help you, if you don't want to learn then you are bound to be frustrated over and over again.
Posted by Lorebass on 2016-12-30 03:06:57
Ignore Matt, while new chaos does suck, clawpomb sucks too if your not able to play properly. Watch other people play and roll less dice overall, but when you have to roll dice make sure its easier rolls.
Posted by Shydeon on 2016-12-30 03:29:18
I am planning on going non Pile on since its getting nerfed for 1 and 2 I do not want to be that ass that does it left right and center. I played against it a few time and its not fun for the opponent and I cannot see it as fun for the person that does use it either. Claw and Mighty blow i might on most but not sure.... I mean my first skill is Mighty blow on the guy that leveled but that is to level up and I am waiting for my first double to get a carrier which im thinking going Blodge, Twin Head and extra arm. I know its ambitious amount of stuff but that is my plan if I can ever get a double
Posted by Beanchilla on 2016-12-30 05:17:47
I would suggest starting with block in the future. Because it'll provide more utility for you in the mean time before you grab MB. A both down with mb is still a turn over for you. Just my opinion. Keep it up man. You'll get better.
Posted by Zanzib on 2016-12-30 06:38:38
Blood Bowl is a complicated game.
Moreover it is mostly played by mature and experienced people here (Cyanide main open league is more forgiving on this side).
Also it can be hard to notice the most important factor between luck or skill when losing/winning, especially when beginning.
My point of view is if that the result of the games are mostly determined by skill (and race/match-up), otherwise it would not have coaches with 75+win%.
Playing power roster like undead, amazons, undead, lizards could help at the beginning.
Also try to find little things something to enjoy/improve in the game when you feel you are losing it and do not be obsessed by the losses.
Bottom line you should not be mad when you loose because it's expected and the learning curve is stiff.
I think you should not start a game if you can't play stress-free (or at least with a level of stress at the minimum).
Posted by MattDakka on 2016-12-30 14:11:59
As an aside, your roster is sub-optimal, you should play with 4 Chaos Warriors, 7 Beastmen, 3 rrs. No Minotaur, too expensive and unreliable.
Posted by Shydeon on 2016-12-30 20:13:44
Matt the team is no warrior beastmen. I mention this last update. It is not supposed to be your generic Chaos team
Posted by MattDakka on 2016-12-31 05:17:52
I knew that. My point is that your roster is weaker than the usual Chaos team roster with 4 Chaos Warriors, 7 Beastmen, 3 rrs so don't be disappointed when you lose.