Posted by chimp2010 on 2016-12-14 22:28:26
If you play in ranked and let your opponent know that you're new to the game and are wanting to learn, then in my experience you will be hard pressed to find an opponent on this site that won't give you pointers and help out where they can when you're playing against them.
Yeah every coach you come up against in ranked is going to want to win and will have no qualms about playing to win even though you are new to the game. You're going to lose games, that's just the learning curve. The better the coaches you come up against early on, the better you will learn. That's how it worked for me and i'm sure that's how it was for almost all the established coaches on here.
To summarise... Get into playing in ranked and getting your butt kicked, it's the best way to learn!
Posted by Shydeon on 2016-12-14 22:33:56
Tried that and if you look at my retired elves you will see why I felt not ready and i did tell the other coaches and all they did was wreck me and say damn you got bad luck....
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2016-12-14 23:05:45
Found one! It was hiding behind a bunch of dead pixels.
Posted by Shydeon on 2016-12-14 23:13:44
... not sure to laugh or not its pretty funny but same time quite grim if you think what the pixels represents.
Posted by Leadpipe on 2016-12-14 23:20:54
Honestly, even if you end up with a bunch of retired teams and a lot of lost games while you're learning, but what's important is learning the game, understanding how to see your flaws and differentiating missplays from simply bad luck, as well as understanding that, being a game of luck, you're going to get unlucky a lot of the time. The 145 league is a great place to get experience from, but most of my games in the league have been against newbies. If you're lucky you'll get the ocassional game against the instructor, but they're not frequent enough to pillow your learning.
My advise would be: just make a ranked team, any ranked team. Try to remember that this team is not going to net you glory and victory, and think about that as a good thing. Keep in mind that it is a game of chance and more often than not your luck will determine the outcome of a lot of your games and of your team progression, and that's not really too much of a big deal since you can always try again at an extremely low cost, almost negligible. Oh, and on top of it all, try to have fun and don't let the dice trigger you, because an angry mind makes poor decisions, which will lead to worse odds.
Basically, try playing the game for no purpose other than winning. Don't get discouraged by bad luck, since you can totally lose your 100 SPP Werewolf to a GFI, so just relax and let things fall in their place, and just try to see where your things fall.
Posted by Uedder on 2016-12-14 23:22:13
Have you joined the 145 Club?
Try and create a forum thread where you announce when you're online?
Posted by Jeffthejar on 2016-12-14 23:32:20
I absolutely must echo the sentiments that are suggesting the 145 club. I am not a great coach... I am still learning and making mistakes... but there is a lot of effort and learning you must put into the game as a new coach. Joining the 145 club is a great way to learn, because that is a group that caters to teaching new coaches. Spectate games on here, and watch streamers on Twitch play the game, especially those who explain their thinking and logic behind their moves. You will learn a lot by doing those simple things, and your game will improve a lot.
Posted by Shydeon on 2016-12-15 00:30:38
I repeat this every blog and yes I am in 145 league I played versus Leadpipe not long ago I believe it was the Family Reunion gone wrong match joke. Which was for that league. Also trust me I know I had a Elf gfi death and just face palmed at the stupidity. Then got really really angry at that same elf since i used the apo on him that caused my really well skilled blitzer to die which is when I did not want to play that team again and took a 2 days breaks.
Posted by keggiemckill on 2016-12-15 00:56:38
What does a Pixel represent, Agony or defeat?
Posted by Cavetroll on 2016-12-15 00:59:47
pixels represent our hopes and dreams.
Posted by Cavetroll on 2016-12-15 01:02:58
to the OPs point: you aren't going to get many games with League teams. Secret League or Stunty Leeg maybe, but not true League teams. Most people play in Leagues that don't allow play outside of normal scheduled games. You really only have 2 choices for pickup games - Ranked and Blackbox. Depending on your time zone, Blackbox is probably the better choice if you just want to play and don't care who you play against. Both divisions have their own quirks but either will help you to play and become a better coach. You can also try getting on IRC and asking someone to play one of your teams (for Ranked or League only, not Blackbox). Good luck to you.
Posted by Shydeon on 2016-12-15 01:57:16
Cavetroll I do understand that its just ranked and blackbox puts preasure and is competitive to a fault that you cannot learn is the problem. So it tends to be scary for people like me that are just not seeming to be ready. I am making a new ranked team but I expect the worst. Last ranked game went so shitty for me I narely rage quit the site cause opponent succeeded every single roll he did and me I failed so many times even with re rolls.