Posted by jdm on 2017-01-06 09:51:26
"I am not good enough to even waste people time..."
You might think that but you get more comments on your blogs than the majority of entries. Obviously people read them, which they don't have to. And most of the comments are positive and supportive too.
I'd much rather read entries about someone struggling to learn the game and getting slowly better and better, rather than someone writing "won again" over and over.
Blood Bowl is a tough game and there are people on the site who have been playing for decades. Not saying you've only played experienced people, just giving you an idea of the amount of time some people have put into learning the game. If you like the game, then keep playing, put the time in and you'll get better. You can't counteract the dice, but you can deal with them and prepare for failure in game and improve risk management. But learning that takes time.
Failure happens and learning curves are steep. But the same is true for pretty much anything :D
Posted by easilyamused on 2017-01-06 09:59:07
Dude, seriously spend some more time in the 145club.
I haven't watched any of your games but there is clearly a part of your game that is lacking. If you don't want to get tied up in a league then just make a L team for learning purposes. There are plenty of people around that will take the time to play and explain why they have made a specific move or describe how they would have played your turn. Just ask, we are all pretty friendly :)
Your record is not bad so you understand how the game works, you just need to smooth off the rough edges. Maybe you are making moves in the wrong order. I don't know.
Posted by easilyamused on 2017-01-06 10:00:47
Plus your blogs are quite a good read, Keep pluggin, stay positive and as the time goes by you will see the improvements. Imagine reading back through all these blogs one day and suddenly thinking "this is where it all turned round for me!"
Posted by m0gw41 on 2017-01-06 10:04:28
In some respects BB is a very unforgiving game, one or two mistakes during a game, mostly in protecting the ball effectively results in a loss. Once you can eliminate most of these mistakes your results will improve dramatically.
Posted by Perfectian on 2017-01-06 10:49:41
As you can see, darling, Blood Bowl isn't about winning or losing, it's about giving audience romance, bloodshed and drama. And winning. Mostly winning.
Posted by akaRenton on 2017-01-06 12:01:47
If you can't get past the fact that it is a dice game, and sometimes those dice will be horrible you'll struggle. Yes a few of your games the dice have been unfortunate, but what did you do to guard against it? Having watched a few of your replays it seems to be that you don't protect yourself against dice failure, and quite often you do the hard parts before the safer parts. Several matches you hadn't screened well and allowed the opponent to get in behind you and harry your cages from the back.
I just had a horrible one, that looked sure to be a defeat but scraped a draw. I seriously thought about conceding for the first time in a year, but stuck with it. Glad I did, I'd have been really annoyed with myself if I hadn't.
Posted by Wreckage on 2017-01-06 12:06:06
Just do a political blog. Not saying it will get better ratings but it's better for relaxing and to take a step back.
Posted by luxyluxo on 2017-01-06 13:55:05
Stay strong , Nuffle is a fickle God , he favour changes like the wind :D
Posted by JellyBelly on 2017-01-06 13:55:13
What are you looking to get out of the blogs? There are lots of friendly coaches on here who would be willing to give advice, or even play training games. Ultimately though, if you want to improve, you have to stop blaming the dice and accept that there are things you could do better. And keep working on it.
Tbh, I don't think a 32% win rate is bad at all for a new player that has played 50 games on the site.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2017-01-06 14:39:54
> The stats of dice I do not care what it said I had many games that if I try a 2+ roll that I need success to make the play to stop them it fails even with re roll. So yeah I am not even sure how much longer I am going to stomach playing the game at this point.
You only cite the critical failures because that's when it hurts. How many rolls do you make a turn that are successful before you hit the failure? All dice rolls can fail - even 3D blocks (yes, triple skulls and six skulls do happen to people). A 2+ roll will fail for you around 1 in 6 times you attempt it. If you make 6 go for its in 2 turns, 1 of those is likely to fail. The good coach avoids taking risks unless absolutely necessary or the benefits of the risk outweigh the cost of failing it. You don't understand this yet, so you make rolls and then cry when you don't get good dice - despite the fact that every roll you make risks failure.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2017-01-06 14:40:45
PS. Rated 1 for tears.
Posted by dashergeaux on 2017-01-06 15:09:01
Keep it up. If you were a good coach talking about his games it would go ignored. We're enjoying your struggle and are waiting for you to turn it around.
Also a great way to learn is spectate games where other people are spectating. Pay attention to how, when, and why those legend coaches do what they do, especially the when.
But being in the spectator chat and asking why did he do that, or why didn't he do that is a great way to learn little tips and tricks.
Good luck.
Posted by JackassRampant on 2017-01-06 16:12:21
Faculty of Academy Instructors:
Posted by Cocinero on 2017-01-06 17:14:26
I think you don't take into account that it really takes time to get used to this game. With my team, in the first 100 game i got:18/12/70, in the last 100 game i got: 39/16/45. I even have once 23 games without a win. So it really takes time.
Posted by pythrr on 2017-01-06 18:54:19
wait, you stop writing because you are bad at a game?
how does that make any logical sense at all?
Posted by pythrr on 2017-01-06 18:56:05
and u had a run of 5 wins in a row a while back.
cry less, play more, and get better
Posted by Shydeon on 2017-01-06 19:41:12
No I am done I been trying to think how to respond and not one way would be nice so yeah. I might post blogs about the stats of my team last 10 games things like that but game by game I just cannot anymore cause its at the point I get angry most of the time since people just obviously does not watch the game and just looks at final stats and ties to give advice but does not understand what happened during the game and I am just done with it.
Posted by pythrr on 2017-01-06 19:52:01
concentrate less on the stats, and more on the STORY of your team
the STORY of a team is fun, regardless of win/draw/loss. have fun with the fluff!
Posted by Jeffro on 2017-01-06 20:18:36
Posted by azzie on 2017-01-06 20:51:02
You seem to be having real fun with the fluff side of things, it's sad to think you might be giving up because the game is really tricky to get the hang of. Enjoy the game any way you can! :)
Posted by Rabe on 2017-01-06 20:59:43
From personal experience: With a great story (for yourself), your team can have a 66/39/155 record - even if it's usually far more competitive dearves - and still be fun (and you can tell yourself that you are a way better coach than that)!
Posted by Shydeon on 2017-01-06 21:00:02
The fluff is just relaxing is the difference. The game when you never get a good game just shreds the moral in million pieces. I mean I not quitting the game I said I was going to stop/slow down heavily on the blogging thing.
Posted by Jim_Fear on 2017-01-06 21:31:24
I am watching you play right now, and it's not the dice. It's the fact that you're a rubbish coach, and you continually make poor choice which leaves your team open to having the ball taken away from them.
Posted by Wozzaa on 2017-01-06 21:39:09
Get into the role playing side of blood bowl, I find it takes the edge of bad luck bad games. It's nerdy but I like it. When your AG 4 blitzer fails to pick up the ball with a re-roll - what mightve caused that? Was it greasy from slipping in a felled opponents blood? Did the opposition grease it up with snotling snot before the half?
Posted by Jim_Fear on 2017-01-06 22:13:23
Like right there! You made a stupid play which opened up a lane for your opponent's ball carrier to walk right through. Open your eyes!
Posted by Jeffro on 2017-01-06 22:51:53
Posted by Shydeon on 2017-01-06 22:56:37
Looking back at the game Jim um the opening you claim the only reason I moved her out was so I did not get crowd surf by the fucken werewolf that could of easily went and crowd surfed her out so yeah get out my blog your not worth my time anymore
Posted by Jim_Fear on 2017-01-06 23:12:49
Turn 3 of the second half, you moved you players, opening a chance for the wolf to crowd surf your catcher, and so you moved your catcher to prevent this. Had your catcher not moved, it would have taken a +4 dodge followed by a +3 dodge, to surf the catcher. But this isn't even about the catcher. Why did you move your players down toward the center of the pitch, AWAY from the ball? The entirety of your third turn was just wrong.
Posted by Shydeon on 2017-01-06 23:26:07
The catcher sorry you cannot tell me its a bad move even if you want to cause I was not gonna give him the crowd surfing even though you say 4+ 3+ dodge you do realize he would of succeeded with the way it was going for me that game. The rest of the players I guess I just gave up and your right on them. I mean after first half I had no fight left in me cause I was just broken mentally after losing three players first half it was just frustrating and the 3 pows in a row he got from single dicing too did not help me feel like playing that match.
Posted by pythrr on 2017-01-07 00:34:36
hey jim -- way to be a dick, sir
Posted by PurpleChest on 2017-01-07 00:48:10
It's not the game.
It's not the site.
It's not the dice.
It is you.
You are not good at BloodBowl.
you might be one day, if you accept you need to learn, try to learn, and then learn. But so far, little sign.
When people have given specific advice, it has always been rejected.
When you win you are happy, when you lose you bleat.
You expect to come and here and dominate people that have been playing 2, 6, 13 years?
I think this game is not for you. Maybe find something without human opponents? in many ways that's a shame as your fluff is strong and clearly something here appeals to you. many of us are rooting for you to pull through it and wise up. I still have hope, but the pattern has been seen before. Sadly.
Posted by Cocinero on 2017-01-07 01:15:30
One of the first advices in the "Strategy Guide for Newbies" is to "Make all non-dice moves first"
In the first turn you started doing 3 2D block. The probability of burning a RR is 8%. Then you did a pass instead of just a hand-off, and at that moment there was a path open to the ball. In your second turn you started again with a block even before protecting your ball carrier. I don't have a clue about amazon strategy so I can't speak about that, but this are just thing that are really easy to change.
Posted by Cavetroll on 2017-01-07 05:23:03
In the immortal words of Curly Bill, "well... bye"
Posted by Shydeon on 2017-01-07 07:22:35
Never ever said I was good at this game and often said the opposite PC. Hell one reason I feel like quitting the blogging part is cause I am not good at the game Hell more then once I said I am complete thrash.
The non dice moves first I guess I based my movement on if its a knock down or not is the reason which is something I do need to program my brain to counteract that line of thinking but same time I do not want to assume the block will succeed and place my guys in a bad way for that situation and I do not want to not place my guys if it would succeed would counter act the situation. I need to learn that part of the game more.
Posted by keggiemckill on 2017-01-07 19:10:36
Em0... ( I cant believe I said that.)
Posted by BenjiRyle on 2017-01-08 23:05:48
This is Nuffle punishing you for when we played and you were b*tching about the dice. I said something to the effect of "BB is a difficult game that takes a lot of time to even become an average coach" to which you replied something to the extent of "F*ck off with that it takes time BS"
Posted by Shydeon on 2017-01-08 23:55:53
Berry honestly I did not even remember we played I had to check past games to find are match. I am also certain it was not that exact way but again I do not really remember are game at all so unless you repeated it multiple time I doubt I would of went that far and highly doubt I would of said the BS part. Getting frustrated I have no real doubt since my elf team was just a frustrating game after another.
Posted by The_Murker on 2017-01-09 04:12:24
I would like to read a blog you write after watching somebody else play blood bowl. Tell us something you see another coach do that really impresses you, and that you would not have thought to do yourself.
Spec a game from a good coach, see something cool, tell us about it. I think you might need to take a step back from your own dice and watch someone else deal with them.
Posted by Dominik on 2017-01-09 16:38:59
Honestly I expected you to fail with all your plans like the goal to play 1000 games with one team within a year and to blog daily about it. You should've simply started to play and kept your goals secret. Blog but without talk big. IF you had fulfilled your goals then write a big blog about it and enjoy the applause. Now it is just a blog of your failure.
Posted by Shydeon on 2017-01-09 22:39:09
the 1000 game were not within a year the only withing year goal was legend