Posted by MattDakka on 2016-12-13 04:51:31
Try Orcs, Undead and Dwarfs.
Posted by Shydeon on 2016-12-13 04:56:25
Undead and dwarf maybe orcs I refuse I feel like they are broken as all hell
Posted by Uedder on 2016-12-13 04:56:29
Well, Flesh Golems might not be the best players early on, but they're central to necro teams as they skill up.
Have you joined the 145 club?
Posted by Uedder on 2016-12-13 04:57:01
Also, how do you feel orcs are broken?
Posted by Shydeon on 2016-12-13 05:01:00
my Necros are in there league and dont get me started on orcs...... last time making me wanting to kill the other player since they tried to reverse what i said when i was right on the things i was naming.
Posted by lethalkid on 2016-12-13 05:01:56
nurgle are an awesome to get better at playing defensively and they are fun team (at least for me) when i played them i got better at defense with every team.
Posted by lethalkid on 2016-12-13 05:02:46
nurgle are somewhat a hard team but we should play a game together :) ill help you out
Posted by Shydeon on 2016-12-13 05:05:52
I sort of looking at the teams wishing they would make more different teams that could be in the ranked/blackbox just so people can find the right team a lot easier.
Posted by Wozzaa on 2016-12-13 06:46:28
Posted by Roland on 2016-12-13 08:58:17
Make an Undead team if you don't like Orcs.
Posted by Shydeon on 2016-12-13 09:12:31
Wozzaa i do not know how you knew I was working on a Amazon team for the past 4 hours but alright then rofl. There just a league team to test out and all that I like the potential blodge on all characters for the lol's
And Roland I thought about it since I did enjoy necros for a bit but yeah not sure yet. I am probably play for laughs in league games and would love to play with any of you while I learn the game with a new team that is not 100% completed yet.
Also do not plan on having backgrounds on characters for those that like these things I am going to stick with what I said I would do with my elves after a while... I will make a background after they gain a new skill and make the backstory perhaps have a trace on why she has that skill things like that.
Posted by JellyBelly on 2016-12-13 12:51:22
High Elves are probably the toughest elf team to get started with as a new player, as they have so few starting skills. If you want to try elves, I'd recommend Dark Elves, as they still have the AV8 and have 6 players that can have blodge after 1 skill, compared with only 2 for HEs.
Also, play more games against other lower-rated players, and join the 145 club, as Uedder suggested.
Posted by koadah on 2016-12-13 13:19:48
If you think that there are not enough teams try Secret League. :)
Posted by Leadpipe on 2016-12-13 17:26:13
Secret league looks like fun. It has (I think) over 30 homebrewed teams for you to pick from. However, as a new player I would recommend not playing secret league until you have a better understanding of the game rules. There being so many Secret League teams makes it so that you have to know the rules to try and understand more or less how each team behaves. Basically, its more or less the normal BB experience but with so many teams that it'll take you a while before you have seen them all in action.
Posted by keggiemckill on 2016-12-13 17:49:18
High Elves are the easy elves
Posted by MattDakka on 2016-12-13 19:41:13
Wood Elves are the easy ones, especially out of the box.
Posted by Jeffthejar on 2016-12-13 20:41:23
It wasn't that long ago that I felt similar to how you feel. The important part is, as a new player, to recognize that yes, it is a dice game, and sometimes you do lose to just dice; but more often than not, there is a lot that you can do as a coach to mitigate the dice. This is very difficult to learn, and I'm still learning this lesson. I think time is what teaches that lesson best. Keep on playing, and keep on learning; you have a lot left to learn. If you really want to play Elf, like others have mentioned, try out Dark Elf. That is the best elf to play if you're still learning, because they are the most conservative of the elfs.