It seems the person has not contacted me back after the twenty four hours and I have submitted the ticket. Seeing that this time of year the staff members maybe be quite busy with stuff outside this site I do expect it to take them a few moments before they answer my ticket. The only thing about this that bugs me though which is not the admins fault or anyone's but I am uncertain if it went through. I have no idea how to check this and well I suppose that is why I am mentioning on this blog post in case someone else might be able to let me know if there is a way to verify it.
Today for the team I tried to write a background but I lost internet connection and my long line a text disappeared cause of it which tell me to use Microsoft and transfer it for the future. I am currently fixing the errors using a spell checkers of all backgrounds of characters and team most are not done yet but will be by time i go to bed. Sorry there is nothing more to really say but I did play a game today with my league 145 team but it was sort of a squash game cause my TV from last tournament they had made me higher then the opponent and even though he picked star players and other things it really did not go well for him and honestly I feel bad about playing that game. The bright side though no one of his team got permanently injured which I was truly happy with cause I did not want to make him feel like he had the retire that team.
Anyways with all this said that is the update I am waiting now on the admin to find time to communicate with me about the game.
Posted by Harad on 2016-12-19 13:09:00
I like how much more this post considers the views of others than some others. Keep going.