Well I guess I am back for now anyway on the blogging part since many seem to say they like to read the adventure of an idiotic newbie and well I guess I might as well. Originally I was going to post every ten games but when I saw that six games was over two full pages I decided I might want to lower it down to five. So I can say I know the result of the sixth game which is pretty big for the team and most of you will see it if you click on the team but I will mention that the game was quite one-sided the whole match which I do not believe would be a good watch. I just finished that game so did not re watch it quite yet.
So with that said I hope you enjoy the pile of text and at the tenth game I will attempt to do some sort of here are the top players in what role during this series of ten games.
Game 1: Well I will say something I mentioned before right here which is simply I hate Tomb Guardians Strength five and being able to field four of them on the field at once. I was not confident when I decided to play this match to win it but my goal was simply trying to survive and if possible win. Well I could make the comment that neither really happened. I lost this match 1-0 which I know I could have played better but I was playing Orcs which is a team I truly dislike but the reason was I still have yet to learn the trick to playing against the Guardians which is something I feel like most team needs to get guard before being able to have a way to protect themselves and being able to fight them without major worries but that is something I will figure out eventually but that was not this match I am afraid. Also the moral did drop quite low after this game which Match 2 my confidence was quite struggling because of the turn seventeen in this match up my opponent fouled for no real reason. They did apologize and all that since his goal was going for a ko or a stun maybe a badly hurt but unfortunately for me it was straight out death to one of my blitzers and since this was the first game of the team I did not have an apothecary to attempt to save him. One thing you will notice I did get quite unlucky when it came to my Guys armor and I do not mean only this game many of the first games I was quite unfortunate but that is not the reason I lost its part of the game just quite annoying seeing I played Amazons and had maybe a fifth of the amounts of armor breaks.
Game 2: This match was a disaster. I mean as much as I want to blame this one on the difference of experience between me and the opposing Coach JackassRampant ,which I have huge respect for since he did take the time to give me advice after the game that I really need to program in my head to do and everything,Also he is quite a fantastic player from what I seen definitely the best I played against so far. The thing that makes me disgusted at the lost is simply that he was using a pure Marauder team and I fail horribly at all my attempts to do anything. This lost was 100% my fault, I should have played way better than I did, not certain if I know how though, and at least give him some sort of challenge which I am quite disappointed at myself for not giving him bit of a hard time. Either way since he seems to find most of my blogs in the first place Good Game once again. :P
Also for those that might of noticed I said nothing about the injury it was a loner so I did not really care about the injury and this was another game that my armor broke repeatedly. This game if people are curious there was a 31% of his armor rolls that broke armor against my orc team.
Game 3: First I want to say I never checked before the game or even during how many games he played I just saw that his team was fresh and mine was suffering since I was missing a player but did get my apothecary so my Team Value might have been slightly higher than his. Alright I just checked at I am ten points above him. The thing that I should have checked is the fact I was his first game and never welcomed him to the site. He apparently had some tabletop experience though with dwarfs so I do not feel extremely bad for playing against him. This is the first win for these orcs and it was a plagued victory in my opinion. I mean if you watch the game you will see that I just ran his team over having forty-nine out of Sixty-eight blocks being successful. With that said however he did do half dice (the two red dice I believe that is the term might be wrong) blocks and never had a fail block from them so it is quite hard to say I won fully on dice rolls but the amount of blocks I succeeded was quite outrageous I feel. I did score two touchdowns both with
Lambug "The Pretty" - The Thrower which got her the block skill after the game and making her the only level two of the team after three games. Also the mvp for my side this game was the Lineman which I really grumpily hired him to the team and labeled him
Garoc "The MVP Loner".
Game 4: I do not have much to say about this game more than I failed horribly here. I mean my opponent was not bad at all during this match up but just failed. I also got a message from one of the top players in fumble that is trying to help me get better which I do not think it is a secret on who it is at this point of time but I am not one to announce their names unless its like JR which was the opponent of the match and quite obvious. "you were a little unlucky but could/should have won that game." Now I looked back at the dice and looked back at the game yes there is some part that I was unlucky but the main reason I lost is my huge amount of miss plays throughout the game. This match was also the one that gave me a second leveled up character
Quugug "The Hated" - A Black Orc who now has block
This game also saw the retirement from the field of
Gomatug "The Weak". He suffered a fractured skull during this game but he did not want to leave the team completely and really retired from the recommendation of the team's medical team for the reason that he would be at more risk for future injuries, So management decided since he wanted to stay part of the team to make him the Black Orc Scout meaning that he is in charge of finding Black orcs from the try outs and also in the tribe that would have great potential to help the team.
Game 5: This game was the most confusing match up you could even imagine when it came to the dice. Early on it seem that I was going to get completely wrecked since in the first two turn he managed to stun two of my players while also injuring another. Then well the great and all mighty Nuffle decided to give my opponents three or four double skulls. Most of them where after he ran out of re-rolls from re-rolling double downs and skulls but with Chaos your option of players to hit with block at the low Team value that we where playing is one player which luckily for him was a Chaos Warrior. He also made a few dodge re-rolls and GFI's but those I am not certain on the reason I would need to re-watch and try to figure out why he decided on those plays which I am writing this maybe an hour after I played it so I have time to reflect a bit and calm down a little bit which is what I am attempting to do for all my games from now on cause on the moment I feel like the dice where against me and all that but after I have time to think and recheck the data I realize a bit more the reason. Yes my old updates when I played my Amazon where during or like five minutes after the game. This game also saw the MVP
Bogakh "The Tiny" showing off his raw Strength impressing many of the female orcs out there. ((Leveled up getting +1 Strength I know lame way to say something so simple.))