Well I decided to place the blog anyway but this will not be everyday just every three or four game since I will be busy wanting to start streaming games on twitch once again which I did before took off cause I got sick could barely speak and yeah decided I will do my returning stream on the 1st of January which means less time to play this. Will I ever stream Fumbbl most likely then not since its not made to be really streamed but if there is support from here I might consider it since I am small time streamer that does it for fun so yeah. So yeah the daily blog will slow down I was thinking weekly but that would be too many games and make the blogs bit to long.
Also in other news I have made a Black box team and did want to do the first game as are game 18 but did not find a match unfortionitly. But I made a Chaos team but no Warriors since I just really wanted to make a team of Beastmen or half animals mostly and the team name is Radioactive Pet Cementary. You can guess what the fluff will be when I work on it but this will take it slow but first will be making a team logo for my Necromantic C 145 ((readjusting the size)) which I might post there stuff here too since its more then just my Amazon already.
Game Amazon Game 16 - Lizardmen
MVP: Toxiphile II
Skills Gain : Toxiphile II - Fend
Deaths/Retirement: None
Game:Amazon Game 17 - Skaven
MVP: Marpe III
Skill Gain: None
Clarabella -
Topolino -
Game : Amazon Game 18 - Chaos
MVP : Bremusa "The Berserker"
Skills Gain : Thraso II - Mighty Blow
Deaths/Retirement: None
Milestone Thraso "The Confident" - Touchdown - 1 - game 18
Hypsipyle - Blocks - 100 - Game 18
Game 16 - Note
I am uncertain if I did mistake or had the dice say screw you at the worst moments. I mean the rolls overall where average to good but key situation they were just comical. Nothing much more to say the rest would ruin the game for those that would like to watch.
Game 17 - Note
Well turn four hurt a little bit folk the end of the life of are final original body linewomen Okyale. It was known it was going to happen soon but it did not lower the sadness of seeing her go. The rolls for my opponent made me literally want to punch the wall on the series that happened early 2nd half my god.
Game 18 - Note
Well he asked me which shocking but my god talk about a comedy game when amazon out blocks chaos in first half. Second half went completely 100% his way this one my god I try anything and I could not do shit since everything failed. These three games were horrible losing streak and I got extremely annoyed. The end of the game I made a run for it with a blitzer and he pushed me in the touchdown to tie the game out which was laugh worthy.