Posted by PainState on 2012-10-19 17:07:53
Well since I just witnessed it...I will answer...YES
Posted by Ranensol on 2012-10-19 17:09:32
Nice insight into the way you're playing, and like the fluff. 6 from me.
Not sure wtf the other low ratings were for... maybe past opponents ;)
Posted by Ranensol on 2012-10-19 17:10:32
Jesus christ... that right there is why i don't play in the box...
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-10-19 17:28:19
Pain.. that touchdown pass was for you buddy! No! The Ogre's Dodge, GFI, GFI, POW on the blodger was for you! The TD pass after was for me.
However effective orc steroids may be, they obviously lead to massive over-confidence. You'd think after 1800+ games he'd have seen enough crazy things on FUMBBL to at least position 1 or 2 of his 11 orks to guard the ball carrier before farming SPP with the piling on button.
But man, did that hurt. That's our 3rd game, and that's 5 humans he has sent to the grave.
Posted by Ranensol on 2012-10-19 17:32:39
Just finished watching the match, and was kinda disappointed with the systematic destruction from the Orcs.
I know it's all within the rules etc, and yes i will go play elfball with all the other sissy's, just seemed a bit excessive to me...
The turn 8 score was epic though :D i saw the 1 - 1 score before starting the replay, and throughout was waiting to see something go your way, and even at the start of your turn 8 couldn't really see it, gratz on the draw with so few players!
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-10-19 17:40:08
Thanks for the comments. I was looking through your teams to make a logo for your human team... BUT DIDN'T SEE ONE!!! But they all have very nice logos. Well done!
Posted by Ranensol on 2012-10-19 17:47:03
Lol, i take it that by not having a human team i've broken some unspoken FUMBBL/BB rule(?) :)
I can certainly make one!
Thanks re the logo's though, i like the fluff as much as the game really, which is why i'm not up for the total destruction a lot of players like.
Posted by pythrr on 2012-10-19 17:55:51
dead sprites make baby jesus giggle
Posted by Ranensol on 2012-10-19 17:58:55
lol can't argue with that :)
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-10-19 18:22:49
I WISH it was a rule that everyone had to have a huamn team. But no, not even close. Humans are flat out-classed at high TV ranges, and not too many players enjoy trying to be competitive while being out-classed. But a few of the cool kids try it anyway. By competing against EACH OTHER, meaning trying to have the best record every couple of months in the Black Box's HUMAN LEAGUE PREMIERSHIP or CONFERENCE. koadah's gift to me after a cry-baby rant about how humies in the Box are doomed to failure. A fair competition in an unfair world. And boy, some coaches can really make it work.
And when I say cool kids, I mean that group of kids that thinks they are cool, despite what other people actually think. And winning with humans is cool. (in my book)
Your are welcome to join!
Posted by nufflehatesme on 2012-10-20 04:43:25
nice going getting to 200! sounds like you play defense very similar to my gameplan.
not sure if i would have taken sure hands on the blitzer, but a st4 runner is a very good option for humies to have. also means you will have a sure hands player on defense. if he doesnt double for his 76spp skill you can still take tackle as well.
again, gratz! go humies!
Posted by OenarLod on 2012-10-20 10:46:22
See mate? It's not that bad running high TV in the box!
Enjoy your lead in the Premiership, that's COOL! :)
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-10-20 12:56:41
Not so bad.. NOT SO BAD?? At 1900 TV I was piled-on into little red bits'n sauce by a 2000 TV orc team with five +ST stat rolls. It's BAD MAN!
But it had to happen, I suppose. 2 dead blitzers.. could have been worse. I go into game 201 with not tackle at all on the team. Zons is my guess.
Posted by Ranensol on 2012-10-20 16:06:24
Lol sounds like a challenge :)
Just took a look at the league, but really can't see me playing in the box.
If there's one outside of the box i'd give it a go though :)
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-12-07 23:43:44
An update after a month.. the sure hands ST4 blitzer was key in going 11-4-1 in the Premiership. I was probablly more agressive initially on defense that this post would indicate, and very lucky with my Black Box draws.. but without the ST4 (and eventually blodge) ball handler I would not have suceeded.